Chapter 3

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"You said you needed another cameraperson?"

He just nods and walks over the hug me, followed by Chris, Karl, and Chandler. I accept the hug from the crew, it having been quite a long time since I saw them because my channel blew up. The hug seemed to last forever but ended after a few seconds.

It had been a long time since I visited cause of my rise to fame thanks to the Lunch Club. But Jimmy had started it all, employing me after I ran into them on the bus.

I was just sitting down drawing in my sketchbook when Jimmy came up to me and asked me if I was subscribed to MrBeast. Of course I said yes, and he gave me money. I was in shock, so much shock that I had dropped my sketchbook. 

And Jimmy, being Jimmy immediately came to help. He just happened to see some of my merchandise designs I drew that I would probably send in as fanart. One thing led to the next, and I was their official merchandise designer by the end of the day.

After awhile they became like family to me and I cared for them a lot, but the only thing that sucked was no one knew about my relation to the MrBeast crew. I just drew the merchandise, was normally an extra cameraperson if needed, and sometimes helped find new contestants for his crazy challenge videos. 

I was afraid if I came out as part of the crew, as already having started YouTube, I would be cancelled. I could be called a clout chaser and said to be using his fame. Twitter could say he bought my way to fame and I would be forgotten. 

Anyways since I wasn't coming out as part of his crew, I snapped out of my thoughts as he  explained they were doing full-mall scavenger hunt for a Lamborghini and needed me. I nodded, got a camera handed to me, then got assigned to recording Karl. 

I walked over with the camera in hand to the smiling dirty blonde, him obviously being excited at getting to spend more time with me. I smiled back before saying to him "Hello, Karl Jacobs" and before I could get any other words he engulfed me in a hug. 

Hugging back, we stood there outside of his Lamborghini for a few seconds. He let go then energetically said back "Hi, sorry if that was uncalled for, it's just been, like, a LONG time since I got to hug you!" I just let out a small laugh then told him "It's fine Karl, I would've hugged you anyways if you didn't first." 

Then I gestured to the car. He looked back before getting the message and getting in, as I went around and got in the passenger side. He started it up as turned on and adjusted the camera I had. As we both got ready, we just engaged in small talk, what I've been up to, how he wanted to start his own small channel to be a gamer, that kind of stuff. 

Once we were ready at the start line (the parking lot) I got a glimpse of the other two racers. Chris was in a red Lamborghini with Tariq as his cameraperson. Chandler got yellow, having  Garett as his cameraman. 

As Karl revved up the car I turned to him, confused. He was laughing while talking (you know how he does) but managed to get out "It- it's— to- intim- intimidate- them!" Before bursting into more laughter. I just let out a few laughs in disbelief and shook my head. 

Hearing Karl's laughter Chris turned to look at what was going on inside our car. I just leaned back so all he saw was Karl laughing his ass off and playing with the engine. He did, but Karl noticed and turned to him, and just made it rev, while holding a terrible intimidation face.

Chris just laughed while I recorded Chris's reaction, Garrett recording Karl from the other side. I knew this bit would be good. 

After Karl stopped having his laugh attack, Jimmy walked out to the start line in front of us and began explaining. Despite I already knew what was happening, I just turned and gave him my full attention, before realizing I should probably be recording Karl's reaction to the race track.

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