chocolate chip cookies 23

Start from the beginning

"Games, right, right." Author replys. Everyones eyes nonchalantly shift to each others. Did someone leave a bottle out?

After a while everyone starts to settle into there own conversations so I take change of that opportunity.

"How's your head ache Freddie."

"Its actually going awa- ....wait did you."

The corners of my mouth go up as I
guilty smile without my teeth.
"Mabey." I say innocently.

He slowly sarcastically nods.
"Okay I see how it is."

I bite my lip trying to bite back my smile as I eat more of the buffet before me.

My eyes slightly go wide as Fred's hand moves up my leg. His large hand gropes my bare upper theigh. Fuck, I'm happy I wore shorts.

Fred "accidentally" drops his fork but everyone is to busy to notice. He bends down and picks up his fork as his finger touches my ankle slowly moving up my leg till it reaches my underwear.

With out any haste his fingers slide in my underwear. My grip on my fork tightens as I clench my jaw. A smirk settles on his face as his eyes dont wander from in front of him.

My theighs tighten around his hand trying so hard not to move as his thumb finds it's way to my clit.

He's trying to be aggresive and not slowly lead up to his action. I can tell when his fingers feel up my heat before plunging inside of me.

My whole body tenses and my hand tightly grips the chair leg fighting the urge not to moan. His finger starts to move in a come hither motion as his eyes finally meet mine.

He watches me uncontrollably unravel from his fingers. My lips part and my eyebrows slightly scrunch. My hand frankly searches for something else to grip onto.

My hand meets his forearm digging my nails into his skin trying not to make a noise. He slightly bits his lip and takes a long blink to compose him self.

"Isn't that right Fred." Ginny asks him. I hit his thigh snapping him out of his fantasy.

"What? Oh ya your, your right."

"See I told you he has to go outside."

"Its suppose to be a snow storm later. I dont know if it's the brightest idea even for George to go shopping later." There mom warns us.

"Oh darn. I was really looking forward to freezing my ass off."

"Fred Gideon Weasley watch your language."

"Sorry mum."

He makes eye contact with me as he brings his finger away from my legs to his lips sucking it clean. His eyes look deep into my soul. Fuck that was hot.

Breakfast ends and we all head off to our own directions. I personally go to brush my teeth and wash my face.

Although my mind might be clouded, there are faint things I can remember and one memory sticks out more then the rest. Harry's shocked face as Fred whispers into his ear. Yup, I'm different going to figure out what Fred told him later.

Fred walks into the bathroom rubbing his eyes not releasing I'm in here. He's wearing gray sweatpants and a shirt cut in half almost like a crop top. His revealed skin exposes his v-line. He looks up into my lustful eyes.

"Oh shit sorry I didn't know you were in here."

"Watch your mouth Fred Gideon Weasley." I say in a jokingly manner.

"Or what?" He says with a smile and slight giggle.

"Or your not getting any of this p-"

"Hey have you guys seen Ginny." Hermione peeks into the bathroom looking around hastily for her friend.

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