Chapter One

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Ugh... I hate that I have to leave my friends and family here just because my mom got a new job in a completely different state... Can't I just stay here? I don't wanna start a new school. It's my senior year... I planned to graduate with my friends, not this bullshit. Why couldn't she just wait another semester to make this move? She's changing my entire life around and hasn't once asked me what I wanted to do... she's so inconsiderate to how I feel about things. I wish my dad was still alive. He listened to me.

"Sydney! Hurry up with the rest of your things the truck is almost full. Put your things in the trunk of the car so we can get out of here."

"I'm coming..."

Man I'm gonna miss this room.

We lived in Indiana my entire life... Now I'm moving to California. I know nothing about California. Ugh this is the worst day of my life. And the worst part is that we're driving instead of flying.

I guess my mom finally noticed how upset I am about the move because she started going on and on about how much I was going to love the new place in San Fran.

"You know it's a lot of stuff to do in Cali baby I know you're gonna love it when we get there. You're going to make new friends and there are a lot of great colleges out there too. I'm sure you're going to love the new house. Your new room is way bigger than the one back in Indiana. Bet you'll meet a pretty nice young man out in San Fran. I bet...."

She goes on and on while I just nod my head and throw a couple of "mhm's" in every now and then. I don't like talking to my mother because she doesn't listen. She hears me but she doesn't listen. So it's pointless to even speak to her.

I'm just ready to get to California so I won't have to spend any more time with her in the car..... Damn.

(San Fransico)

We pull into one of the nicest neighborhoods I've ever seen in my life. All the houses are huge and fancy like... I'm proud of my mom for being successful and all but I just wish we could have stayed in Indiana. I miss it already. My friends have blown up my phone none stop with "I miss you already" texts and I want to cry so bad but I refuse to. I can't wait for these 9 weeks until graduation to be over, then I'm going back home. I refuse to stay here.

"3127...... 3129 ! Here we are ! The house of our dreams ... Right Syd??? Don't you love it?"

"It's great mom"

"See I knew you would love it! Just wait til you see the inside baby! It's beautiful."

"Can't wait"

I get out of the car, getting a good look at the street we are now living on and strange enough this girl right next door, sitting on the hood of her car, dressed as a boy was staring at me. I hate that!

"It's rude to stare!" I yell loud enough for her to hear me.
"It's rude not to introduce yourself too.. But aye I didn't say anything."
"Whatever... I'm Sydney.."
"I'm Brelynn, you can call me Bre tho."
"Cool.. I like your shoes"
"Thanks I bought em this morning actually"
"Nice. That's your car?"
"Yea it was a birthday present from my grandma.."
"That's sweet"
"Where you from Syd? Gotta be from the south... Got a lil accent going on..."
"Indiana & that's only because you're from here and I'm not"
"Actually I'm from Wisconsin.... But aye whatever"
"Oh my bad.."

Bre seems cool but I hope she knows I'm not gay... I'm straight. Period.

"Hey Sydney I want you to see your room come on!"

My mom yells for me to come in and see the rest of the house which I think kind of bummed Bre out ... Oh well. She'll be alright.

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