we need allies

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Jacob PoV

 I was running out of time and still couldn't decide what to do 

 Maryl (radio): Jacob !? can you hear me ? 

 I took the radio from my vest and answered 

 Jacob (radio): Maryl, can you wait a minute? 

 Maryl (radio) : depends on what you want to do 

 Jacob (radio): I have to do one important job 

 Maryl (radio): Jacob, whatever you want to do, don't do, if they notice us, the soldiers will start to crowd everywhere. 

 Jacob (radio): just wait for me and be quiet 

 Maryl (radio): Jaco-- 

 I turned off the radio and slowly came out of the hangar, I don't want to leave the little child here, I continued on my way to a small group carrying a small child on a lounger, as soon as I got too close one of the escort soldiers noticed me and aimed his weapon at me 

 escort soldier: hey where are you going? 

 Jacob: I ... I ... 

 everyone in the small group stopped and looked at me 

 Jacob: I came to take that little brat from you 

 one man in a white coat with an oxygen mask came closer to me and looked at me

escort scientist: like why ?

 Jacob: They want to do a few more tests on that brat

 escort scientist: I was commissioned to take this little brat to the ship, I don't know anything about any other tests 

 damn he's good i have to persuade him somehow 

 Jacob: If you don't believe me, come with me, they'll definitely confirm it in the lab 

 he looked at me seriously again before turning and shouting something at the other scientists

 escort scientist: I'll go with him and find out what's going on, wait here for me

 then he walked over to the bed and began to push him beside me

 Escort scientist: so where should I take him? 

 I pointed to the hangar where I came from 

 Jacob: There, they're definitely waiting for us there 

 then we both started walking towards the hangar and I started thinking about getting rid of that jerk

we went all the way to the hangar and went behind a few boxes where no one saw us

escort scientist: so where are they waiting for us?

Jacob: Here !!

I turned around and gave him such strong fists that I smashed the visor of his oxygen mask, started choking and fainting, he would be dead in 3 minutes and I think he deserves it after what he did, I hid his body in one of the boxes and turned on the bed where the boy slept slept, now I noticed that he has no oxygen mask at all, yet he sleeps and breathes

Jacob: Amazing

I searched a couple of boxes and found a small backpack, I slowly took it and put it in the backpack, I really hope he doesn't wake up now

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