Domino in a nutshell

335 8 28

I fucking started writing this ages ago but it didn't save. *raging*




Dust: Jason, Kiss Marry Kill: Geno, Sci and Fresh.

Domino: Kiss Fresh, Marry Geno, and Kill Reaper.



Domino: *quietly sitting in a corner wearing headphones and eating a chocolate orange while everyone else is arguing*


Dream: If your friend jumped off a cliff, would you jump off too?

Domino: *immediately* Yes.

Dream: What-- Jason, no-

Nightmare: You are an idiot, brother. *face-palms*


Domino: Ever walk into a room and forget why you went in?

Bank manager: *sweating* Uh . . .

Domino: *scratches head with gun* I hate it when this happens. Don't worry, I'll remember in a sec-


Domino: Where were you?

Chaos: Met a dumbass today . . . Awful experience . . .

Domino: So you looked in a mirror?


*my friends wondering why I'm not responding or talking to them*

Domino: *running away from William Afton*


Domino: *sees the look on Nightmare's face* NO, YOU DON'T WANNA DO THIS, I'VE BEEN A GOOD BOY, I'VE BEEN A GOOD BOY, DON'T DO THIS, NOOOOO--

Domino: *gets dragged away screaming*


Reaper: Domino just told me I have four days to live.

Geno: Are you sick?!

Reaper: No, he just doesn't like me.

Domino: *in the distance* I'M GONNA FUCK YOU UP ON SATURDAY


Chesire: At my funeral everyone will be sitting down, then 'I like to move it' by King Julian will start playing and my life-less corpse will be dropped down by strings like a puppet and start dancing.

Domino: Um, we-

Chesire: If you tell me that song isn't by King Julian I will stab you.

Domino: We have the same fucking body, eejit-


Blueberry: We're gonna defeat you with the power of friendship! >:D

Domino: And this gun we found.


Domino: What's this?

Nightmare: That's my to-do list.

Domino: . . .

Domino: *grabs Cross and runs*


Domino: Shit, what's your blood type?!

Ink: B Positive.

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