Jinkook 1.0

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Normally - and he wondered in what world anything about this was considered normal - this type of thing would take place under Yoongi's supervision. A chaperone of sorts that was meant to keep them both safe. And really, he would have been thankful for the back up, especially considering all of the horror stories he had stumbled across in his research.

But unfortunately, Yoongi's current schedule was entirely booked solid for the foreseeable future and Jungkook just wasn't willing to wait that long.

So there he was, walking into some restaurant he couldn't even pronounce the name of let alone afford, feeling under dressed and underwhelming. Adjusted his white jacket and wished he'd had something designer instead of discount.

But he looked good. Was rocking it despite it not even having a label. The knit jacket was warm and well fitted, a perfect match to the shirt he wore beneath it. That he'd paired it with black skinny jeans, it didn't exactly look as over the top as he may have wanted. But then again, it wasn't like he'd had any other choice. At least he'd had one singular pair left that wasn't ripped.

"Good evening sir." The hostess broke him out of his thoughts, catching his attention as she looked him over. He must look so pathetic to her. "Do you have a reservation?"

"Actually I'm supposed to be meeting someone. Jeon Jungkook?" There were so many things that could go wrong. He could be at the wrong restaurant or -

"Of course sir. Mr. Jeon is already here. Let me take you to his table." But something about her demeanor changed as he spoke the name, her smile only growing as she twisted on her heel and began leading him through the busy dining room.

Oh god. Oh god oh god. Jungkook was already here. Which meant he was late and what kind of first impression was he giving exactly?

The kind where he was literally shaking because he was so nervous, walking with his head down and only really paying attention to where he put his feet. Until he felt the rush of someone stopping short in front of him and was forced to look up suddenly.

"Here you are sir." She was gesturing vaguely into a private little area that had been closed off - and he realized that he was in some section that had either been rented out or was permanently reserved. "Mr. Jeon is to the left."

To the left. Right. To the left.

He forgot to thank her. And he twisted around in an attempt to send it after her only to realize that she was gone. So now he had made a fool out of himself as well.

This night was going to be the end of him.


Seokjin wasn't late. Not really. It was just that Jungkook was chronically early. After all, it wasn't like he'd had much else to do besides pour endlessly over his appearance.

Which looked bomb. Those had been Hoseok's exact words. Just the right amount of daddy. But he really did not think he could do this.

All black. From head to toe. And alright, maybe wearing the suit had been a little much, but there was a dress code. At least he hadn't actually gone with the tie like he'd originally been planning. And it looked good. Was well fitted. Custom made to suit his body. Light blue hair slicked back from his face to show off his freshly trimmed under cut.

He looked fine. He was fine. This was going to be fine.

Until the sight of the hostess coming around the corner catch his attention, the vision from the picture trailing along behind her and he almost forgot how to breathe.

He was supposed to do something, wasn't he? Stand up. Shake the other's hand. Properly introduce himself. But instead he was just panicking. Felt his tongue starting to get tied and wondered why he'd ever thought this would make things any different.

Candy | Jinkook ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora