"So, where are you from?"

"I'm originally from South Carolina, but when I was 16, my mom, grandpa, and I moved to Lima, Ohio. That's where I met Mercedes and Puck."

"Uh huh, where'd you meet Chord?"

"It's a long story."

"We have time. You're the only guest today."

"Um, okay then. A few days after my 17th birthday, my boyfriend at the time, Chord's brother Sam, was in a bad accident. The thing is, he was on Puck's motor cycle, and my ex boyfriend hit him dead on with his truck."

"You're talking about that hit and run a few years ago right? Jordan Walters was arrested for harassment and attempted murder?"

"Yep, ironic huh?" She nodded." Anyway, the doctors thought that he wouldn't make it. He did, obviously. A few hours after the accident, it was on the news, and apparently, Chord was video chatting the news people or something, and I got his number from my uncle, and called him. The next day I met him. Then we found out that whole story about why they look alike. They're twins, obviously,"I laughed."Plus, they're a lot alike."

"Wow, how are they alike?"

"They both sing, they both have abs, great bodies, please don't kill me Mercedes! Anyway, they both love Sponge Bob and kids. And they're equally annoying." Everyone laughed.

"So, can you tell me about Sam? Why you two broke up?" I looked down slightly.Then I looked up and grinned.

"I met Sam on the first day of school, along with all of our friends, which is a lot of people. My first thought about him was 'dang he's hot!'" She laughed." We dated for nearly three years, only breaking up once due to a misunderstanding with some skanky cheerleader." Ellen raised her eye brows." Longer story. Any way, that boy is something. He does incredible impressions, has the most amazing smile, and amazing green eyes. He usually has a smile on his face. There are so many good memories I've had with him. I miss it, to tell you the truth."

"Then why'd you two break up?"

"Well, he's the reason I came to LA, so I could follow my dreams. I didn't want to leave him. A month after I left, I broke up with him. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I cried hours before I broke up with him, just ask Chord, and then after I broke up with him, I cried myself to sleep. It was to hard to not be near him when I wanted to or hug him, or see his face everyday. Well I do, but that's just Chord." Ellen chuckled slightly and I heard Chord burst out laughing at the side of the stage." But like I said, it was the hardest thing I have ever done. Chord, shut up!" I yelled.

"Wow, I don't know what to say. You sound like you still love him."

"I do. I love Chord, he's like a brother to me, but it hurts seeing him sometimes, because he reminds me of Sam." She nodded in understanding.

"Sorry for changing the subject, but can you give us some details on your up coming album?" I smiled at that and crossed my legs. I nodded.

"I'm working on my cover album right now, and it should be finished before Halloween. There will be 13 songs on that album on that one, featuring Chord and Mercedes in two of the songs. All I can tell you about the songs is Chord is rapping in one of them, and I'll be rapping in the other one. My album with all of my original songs, will have 13 songs, most of them are actually about Sam, so yeah... And that one will be released early next year." Ellen nodded.

"Are you making a Christmas alum?"

"Yes ma'am. I know for a fact that  I will start recording Christmas songs on November 4th, and it'll be released on December 10th." I said.

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