" Uh were supposed to be excited after that speech." The class exclaimed in unison.

Katsuki's POV ~

I've been staring at Y/N ever since her and that damn nerd arrived this morning and feel my face heat up as I remembered last night.

Y/N...I sighed and turned my head away to look at weird hair.


"Come here."I said grabbing that idiot Kaminari by the shirt.

"Uh wait for what ! " He said as I dragged him behind the bushes.

Bzzzz . Ahhhhh .

Hahaha. That idiot is brain dead perfect.

"Pffft!" I heard Earphone girl laughing.

"What did Bakugo do to you?" I heard Tape Arms said as I walked towards Kirishima.

"Kirishima." I said with my hands in my pockets pulling out some cash.

"Whoa!! Did you shake him down for cash?" Weird hair exclaimed.

"Noo this is my money you idiot ! To replace what you've spent." I said as I showed him the money.

"How'd you know I brought night vision goggles?" He asked me which ticked me off.

"Tch.Don't say I never gave you anything. Now I'm not in your debt . Kaminari show them your dumb side." I said to weird hair placing the money in his hands and walking away with my hands deep in my pockets.

"Oh man what a moron you're so hopeless." I heard Earphone girl say.

"Plussss Ullltra!" Kaminari stuttered.

" Thanks Bakugo." Weird hair whispered.

Your POV ~

You watched Bakugo walk away and your face began to heat up again .

You never change do you Katsuki? You thought as you continued to watch him until he was gone.
Inside the dorms

Mr. Aizawa gave class 1-A a tour and an explanation of the dormitories, before leaving you all to unpack.

"These are your dorm assignments the belongings you sent ahead have already been place in your new rooms so spend the day unpacking and getting settled. I'll tell you more about your lessons tomorrow for now get to work." He said leaving with his hands in his pockets.

"Yes sir."
You walked up to the assignments.

You were on the fourth floor along with Mina,Uraraka, Shoji, Kiri, and Katsuki.

Great just great I'm on the same floor as Katsuki. You thought as you rolled your eyes heading to your room.

Time to start unpacking
You stand in your dorm room trying to picture where everything is going to go.

She's Mistreated|| K. Bakugo x Reader Where stories live. Discover now