Chapter 1: Motivation

Start from the beginning

He drew closer to me, one step at a time.

However, Nanase, his very own classmate, jammed herself in between the two of us, stopping him in his tracks.

"Please don't go any further! I can't approve of your methods after all... I can't!"

"A kawaii kohai"

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"A kawaii kohai"

"So she is one of our kohais huh"

She spread out her arms in an attempt to block his path.

"Outta the way, Nanase. Your ass is only here to keep 'em from escapin', so know your fuckin' place."

"I made the decision to lend you my strength until the very end, telling myself that it was for the good of the class. No matter how deplorable your strategy was, I thought I'd be willing to accept it. But I see now that I was mistaken."

With her feet firmly planted between Hōsen and I, she shifted her gaze over to Horikita.

"Horikita-senpai, working together with Hōsen-kun has been impossible from the very beginning. You were inspired to cooperate with us after hearing him mention Class 2-D back when we came to meet with you in front of the second-year classrooms, but... That was just a ploy to get things to progress to this point. Even if you pay the outrageous fee he's been asking of you, you'd still be subjected to this same fate."


"They are first years but the first years still haven't arrived yet"

"What is happening?" they looked at Simynor for answers

"It's simple isn't it?"

"I get it! is this the one you talked about knowing the future?" Kondo said 

Naturally, Horikita's distress compiled even further upon hearing Nanase lay out such a shocking revelation.

No matter how hard she tried to negotiate, Hōsen never would've accepted anyway. And this wasn't her fault either. None of us could've predicted that things would turn out like this.

"Kukuku hearing you say those things make me think that he is better than me"

All things considered, this incomprehensible series of events probably came down to an imbalance of information. Hōsen and Nanase had been given intel that we hadn't. That being the case, there was no way we could've had a proper negotiation in the first place.

"All your yammering is pissin' me off. You're the one who asked me to deal with this shit to begin with. Our class'll rake in shitloads of money if we take out this Ayanokōji guy. Just think of the advantage it'd give us."


"Why bother with the gloomy guy"

"That is true. However, I just can't figure out the reason why we need to target him like this."

Classroom of the elite: The Game {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now