"Haha, you two are such opposites." Yumie smiled before taking a sip of her tea. [Y/N] raised a brow as he looked at the old women before she put her cup down.

"Shinsuke was always so strict and takes the extra step when it comes to anything while you're satisfied with what you put in, no matter how big or small the effort is." She said as [Y/N] sipped on his tea.

"That's Shin~Shin for you." [Y/N] said before he yawned and Yumie laughed.

"Are you tired?" She asked as [Y/N] shrugged.

"Knowing Shinsuke, he put the futon in his room. Sleep well." Yumie said before taking a sip of her tea as [Y/N] got up and walked to Kita's room. He then entered the room to see Kita laying down on the futon fast asleep. [Y/N] was surprised by this because Kita usually doesn't fall asleep as soon as he gets home.

"Someone must be tired." [Y/N] said with a smug look on his face before he walked to Kita's bed and threw himself on it.

"So comfy..." [Y/N] said before he fell asleep on Kita's bed. After an hour or so, [Y/N] had rolled off of Kita's bed and fell on to the futon Kita was laying on. He then wrapped his arms around Kita's head as the grey haired male's eye shot open at the sudden weight but calmed down when he realized it was only [Y/N].

Kita only went back to sleep, knowing he wouldn't be able to pry the boy off of him due to past experiences.

━━━━༻Time Skip༺━━━━

It was now the next day and Kita and [Y/N] were currently sitting at a table. It was their lunch break and the two were waiting for a few people.

"Shin~Shin, when are they gonna get here!" [Y/N] whined.

"Just be patient [Y/N]." Kita said as [Y/N] shook his head.

"I'm hungry..." [Y/N] pouted before a bento was placed across from him.

"Sorry for our lateness." A brown skinned male with clean cut said as he sat down along with two other males.

"I'm Ojiro Aran. Good morning." He said as [Y/N] waved while resting his head on his arms.

"Hello, I'm Kita Shinsuke and this is [L/N] [Y/N]." Kita said.

"Hi hi." [Y/N] said before he yawned.

"Hi! I'm Akagi Michinari." A fairly tall male with spiky dark hair said.

"Good morning. I'm Omimi Ren." He got up and bowed.

'Scary face...' [Y/N] thought before he closed his eyes.

"So how was your classes [L/N]~San?" Akagi asked.

"Boring." [Y/N] said lazily before he yawned.

"How about you Kita-Kun?" Omimi asked.

"They're fine." Kita said before putting his hands together.

"Thank you for the meal." He said before opening his bento and started eating. The three males in front of Kita and [Y/N] did the same.

"So what position do you guys play?" Aran asked as they ate.

"I'm a libero!" Akagi smiled.

"Middle blocker. You?" Omimi asked.

"I play outside hitter and ace. How about you Kita-Kun?" Aran asked.

"I also play outside hitter." Kita said as he fed [Y/N] some of his food.

"Thanks Shin~Shin." [Y/N] smiled as chewed the food.

"[Y/N], what did I tell you about talking when you're eating?" Kita scolded as [Y/N] swallowed his food.

"I don't know." [Y/N] said as Kita sighed.

'Shin~Shin?' Akagi thought before he let out a chuckle at the nickname.

'They must know each other if they're on first name basis.' Omimi thought as he watched Kita feed [Y/N].

'He's like a toddler.' Aran smiled, holding in a laugh.

"Do you play volleyball [Y/N]~San?" Akagi asked.

"I play team manager." [Y/N] said as Aran laughed.

"[Y/N] you don't play manager, you are a team manager." Kita said as [Y/N] shrugged.

"What do you think coach is gonna make us do today at practice?" Akagi asked before putting some food into his mouth.

The four talked for majority of their lunch break while [Y/N] listened but fell asleep.

"So Kita-Kun? Are you and [L/N]~San dating? You two seem pretty close." Akagi asked as Kita closed his bento.

"No we're not. [Y/N] and I are childhood friends." Kita said before Akagi smiled to himself.

"Hehe, I have a chance with [L/N]~San." Akagi mumbled to himself but Kita overheard him. A feeling of jealousy struct Kita. He wasn't sure why he was feeling this way but he just was. He decided to not say anything and act as if he didn't hear a thing before he looked at [Y/N].

"[Y/N]. Our break is almost over. Wake up." Kita said before [Y/N] raised his head up and rubbed his eyes.

"Morning sleeping beauty." Akagi smiled.

"My names [Y/N]." [Y/N] said bluntly.

'Did Akagi's flirting just go over his head?' Aran and Omimi thought as they sweatdropped.

"I know...I know." Akagi smiled sheepishly.

'Is he really flirting with [Y/N]?' Kita thought before he grabbed [Y/N]'s hand and got up.

"Thank you for spending lunch with us. See you at practice." Kita said with a bow.

"Bye bye." [Y/N] waved before Kita dragged him out the lunchroom and to their classroom.

" [Y/N] waved before Kita dragged him out the lunchroom and to their classroom

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"I don't know" Shinsuke Kita X Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now