꧁Chapter 3꧂

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≿━━━━༺3rd POV༻━━━━≾

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≿━━━━༺3rd POV༻━━━━≾

"You think there are other first years on the team?" [Y/N] asked as he walked with Kita before Kita shrugged.

"Most likely." Kita said as [Y/N] smiled while closing his eyes.

"Well, I hope you enjoy practicing." [Y/N] said.

"Did you forget that you're the teams manager?" Kita asked as he raised brow.

"I don't know? Maybe." [Y/N] said before yawning. Kita only sighed before grabbing the [H/C] haired boys hand and dragging him into the gym.

"Good afternoon Kurosu-san." Kita said as he bowed while [Y/N] stood up looking around the gym. Kita saw [Y/N] gazing and tapped him.

"Oh, hi hi!" [Y/N] smiled before Kita face palmed.

"Good afternoon you two. Go get changed and you can go fill the water bottles for the team." Kurosu said before Kita nodded and walked to the changing room as [Y/N] looked around the gym before Kurosu cleared his throat.

"Oh, sorry." [Y/N] said before walking to the water bottles. He then walked to the fountain and started to fill them up one by one before putting them back in the box and walking back to the bench.

"Done." [Y/N] said as he placed the box down on the bench.

"Alright. Now go do this paper work for me." Coach Kurosu said as he handed [Y/N] a stack of papers.

"You can do the paper work in my office. Take as long as you need to." He said before walking away. [Y/N] then walked into the office and placed for stack of paper on the desk and sitting on the chair.

"Oh! It has wheels." [Y/N] said as he started to roll around the room with the chair.

"He did say I can take as long as I want to." [Y/N] smirked.

≿━━━━༺Time Skip༻━━━━≾

"[Y/N], wake up." A voice said as [Y/N] raised his head up from the desk and looked around.

"Where am I? Did I die in my sleep again?" [Y/N] asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"No. Your in the gyms office. Get up. Practice is over." The voice said as [Y/N] opened his eyes.

"Ah, Shin~Shin! It's you." [Y/N] smiled as Kita nodded.

"Come on." Kita said as he walked over to [Y/N]. He then looked over the paperwork [Y/N] was given and nodded.

"I don't know" Shinsuke Kita X Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now