Chapter 5

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The small windowless room held a single shaking man. He didn't even notice the blank beige walls for his unfocused gaze was staring intently at the cemented floor. The single dusty light flickered the small amount of light it had as he slowly brought up a hand that shook uncontrollably and placed it on where his left eye used to be. His fingers slowly outlined the stitching that had been so kindly added to his punishment.

The cell door opened with a large bang making Baxter Stockman jump and whirl around so he faced the visitor.

The large dog snarled at the pathetic excuse for a human in front of him. He should be human, not this scumbag. His fist clenched tighter over the slim piece of black fabric before he threw it at the shaken man. "It's a present," He growled gruffly as he watched Baxter slowly crawl towards the discarded elastic.

"A-a-a-an eye-p-patch?" Stockman stuttered as he carefully picked up the eye-patch and began examining it.

The dog rolled his eyes and glared back down at Stockman. "For your eye, it's creeping everyone out." He stated and turned to leave.

Baxter nodded slowly and looked up at the mutant. He's single eye widened when he realized he was going to be left alone again. "DogPound! Wait Plea-"

"Don't call me that!" The mutant turned around and hissed. He took a giant step back into the room and growled down at the cowering Baxter. "Don't you ever call me that again!" He shouted so loud that it felt like the walls were shaking.

Baxter's teeth trembled as he scooted back some more. "B-b-b-ut I-I thought-ought..." He took a couple of shaky breathes before gulping and nodded quickly. "Wha-what is the S-S-S-Shredder planning on d-d-oing with m-me?" Baxter stuttered, "Chris." He quickly added as he tried and failed at keeping eye contact with the over grown dog.

Chris snarled; his sharp teeth showing and making Baxter stumble back some with fear. "If it was up to me, you would be dead," He shot, and suddenly Baxter was very grateful that the mutant dog was not in charge. "The Master needs you for something important." He snarled again; more of his teeth showing as he broke contact with Baxter and turned to leave the cell. "You're lucky enough it was important enough to spare you. Your punishment was small for dishonoring The Shredder, you traitor." Baxter immediately put his hand over his eye-socket. The large dog's glower turned into a sudden smirk. "The Master needs you to make something for him."

Baxter froze as he was taken back. His mouth opened and closed for a moment before he finally found words. "M-me? W-what does h-he need me to m-make?" He asked; sitting slightly taller on his knees.

Chris looked over his shoulder and just before he shut the door, leaving Baxter alone once again the dusty lighted room, he snarled. "Revenge."

The wet cloth floated in ice water as Splinter readjusted the blanket over his ailing son. He grabbed the wash cloth and rung it out over the bowl of water before placing it onto Raphael's forehead. Raphael shivered and groaned in his sleep as he fidgeted before going back to his normal restful sleep.

The rat master sighed; it had been like this for the last three days and things didn't seem to be getting any better. Not only were Raphael and Leonardo in comatose states, but Michelangelo and Donatello had been lacking sleep and food.

Splinter himself had had trouble eating, let alone sleeping. Every moment his lids closed, images of what the awful fight his two eldest sons could have been in, haunted him. The pictures that appeared inside his head made his stomach queasy. His sons should not be coming home every other night with life threatening injuries. It frightened Splinter to no end.

Splinter rested his paw on Raphael's cheek for a moment, hating the way heat radiated off of it, and then turned and began heading towards Donatello's lab. He peered through the door and smiled slightly. Donatello had fallen asleep at his desk again; no matter how many times Splinter had tried to coax Donatello to sleep in his actual bed, it was only Raphael or Leonardo who were able to get Donatello to bed, whether it be persuading or by physical force.

He glided into the room and stopped at the side of Leonardo's cot. He gently began to stroke Leo's head, when his whiskers twitched. Splinter turned back towards the door and tilted his head at Michelangelo.

"I presume your trip to Miss. O'neil's went well?" It was more of a statement when Splinter eyed the three grocery bags Mikey held.

The orange-clad turtle nodded and made his way into the room. He looked up at Splinter and smiled, which quickly faded when he noticed the pain that swam in the rats wise orbs. He swallowed. "Yeah, April went a bit over board though. She said she would bring down some more blankets and stuff later. Knowing April though, later will be any minute." He walked over and placed the bags on Donatello's desk, snapping the sleeping turtle awake.

Donnie blinked before his eyes widened. He grabbed the bags and began to rummage. He frowned. "No gauze?" He asked. They had already used up most of theirs bandaging up on the two injured turtles and were going to need more very soon.

Mikey shook his head, "April was out too, she'll bring some more over later."

"She's coming over?" Donnie asked, not looking at Mikey as he began to pull out some defrosted icepacks.

"Yeah, Casey too."

Donatello looked up at that. "What?"

"He was there when I went over." Mikey stated, "I can't just ask for a ton of soup cans and some disinfectant without an explanation." He sighed, "You would think April would take news like this bad, but Casey..." He shook his head, "They'll be over later."

Donnie groaned and rubbed a hand over his face. He opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted. "Maybe this will be good for Leonardo and Raphael," Splinter pointed out, "When recovering, it is best to be surrounded by loved ones, not just immediate family, but all family."

Donnie sighed and nodded.

Leo groaned and everyone froze. Mikey immediately was next to his brother's side, gently putting a hand on his shoulder. "Leo? Bro, you waking up?" Mikey pressed his lips together and waited for some type of response.

The way the blue-clad turtle lay deathly still, the rise and fall of his plastron being the only thing proving him alive, it would seem nothing had happened in the first place. Time seemed to freeze as everyone's eyes bore onto Leonardo, waiting for any source of movement, anything to say he was waking up.

After a moment Donnie turned his head away and went back to pulling things out of the bags. "Probably just a dream." He stated bluntly.

Mikey furrowed his eye ridges. "You don't groan like that in dreams, Don." He stated, still prodding Leo to wake up.

Donnie sighed. "Dream, nightmare, same thing." He grumbled, lowering his head closer to his desk as he narrowed his eyes.

Mikey looked at Donatello and then to Splinter who was still gazing at Leonardo, willing him to wake up. Michelangelo turned back to Leo. He wrapped his arms around his brother and nuzzled his beak against Leo's neck. "Please wake up... please." He felt like crying, but he was sick of doing that. He had allowed Donatello and Splinter to cradle him in their arms as he balled his eyes out, crying for his brothers'. But not now. He wanted Leo to wrap his arms around him. He wanted Leo to tell him that everything was going to be alright. He wanted Leo to wake up.

He felt Splinter's hand touch his shoulder, gripping it gently. Mikey tightened his arms around Leonardo; if anyone was planning on making him leave, they would have to fight him. Mikey moved his legs up onto the bed and curled up into himself, as if proving his point.

"Michelangelo..." Splinter began. Mikey was pretty sure Splinter said more, but he wasn't listening, not to anyone but Leonardo.


Sorry for any spelling/captilization orgrammr errors hoped you enjyed this chapter I <3 each and everyone of u!

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