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I was lookin' for love, in the fire, in the flames
But the only way to love, is to get yourself burned
That's how I became the runaway

"What's a pretty little thing like you doing all alone in a bar like this?"

I noticed the man who sat down next to me as he started speaking. He looked to be in his mid fifties, pot belly and barely any hair.

"Yeah not interested" I shot back, bile rising in my throat. Men are disgusting.

Please don't make me have to beat the shit out of an old man tonight.

"Aw come on baby let's have a little fun. You look like you could use it. I'll show you a good time. Promise."

"Leave me the fuck alone old man" I said, finally turning my head and making eye contact with this disgusting excuse of a man.

"I don't bite baby, have a little fun with me" he said while going to push a strand of my long brown hair behind my ear.

That's it. I'm killing this bastard.

"I would advise you to get your limp dick ass up and leave right now." I turn my head to the unfamiliar voice as I finally reach my breaking point.

It was a girl, she looked to be about my age with wavy blonde hair and green eyes. She looked tough as hell. Her arms crossed and a look on her face that could scare off anyone who got in her way.

"Oh come on I was just trying to show the girl a nice time. She's new around here, I've never seen her before"

"Well she's obviously not interested, and I don't know who the hell would be" she snapped.

"Hey no need to be a bitch about it", he put his hands in the air in surrender. I just sat and watched them argue back and forth. It felt like they knew each other and that they've done this before.

"Get the fuck up before I call the guys. And you know that won't end well for you." she threatened.

He sighed and finally got up from his seat, "If it weren't for those fucking criminals you wouldn't be worth anything. Always have to call them to come and protect you."

Oh that was a mistake old man.

Before I realized what was happening, the girl had kneed him in the crotch, hard.

"Good thing your tiny dick didn't work anyway old man" she seethed while grabbing the back of his shirt to pull him up in a standing position. "Now fucking leave before I cut it off and shove it down your throat."

He finally got the hint and waddled away, still clutching his crotch. I don't know who these guys are that she threatened to call, but she definitely didn't need them to take care of her.

"Thanks for that, I'm really not in the mood to deal with nasty pervs tonight." I said to her as he walked away.

"Don't worry about it. Albert is a regular here, he just tries to act like he means something when there are new faces. Everyone here knows he a piece of shit" she explains, her expression lightening. "I'm Leigh by the way" she introduces herself as she sits down on the stool that was recently occupied by Albert.

"Ember, I just moved here."

"I could tell" she joked.

"What guys were you talking about?" I questioned.

"That's how I could tell you were new around here," I looked at her with a confused expression on my face. "There's a few things you're gonna have to learn if you want to make it here. The guys I was talking about is the motorcycle club Decadence. They pretty much run this town."

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