I will always choose you

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Chloe hadn't seen Lucifer this angry since demons showed up on earth. They had just picked up a case and the victim happened to be his ex-wife, Candy. It was actually her this time. Lucifer was so passionate while following the clue path, that she couldn't help to feel a bit jealous. After all, he had been married to the woman. Deep down she was afraid that he loved Candy. Now Chloe Decker, not the jealous type, but it was different with Lucifer, she was different with Lucifer. Losing him, that was something she was sure she'd never recover from. She didn't let that stop her from finding out who the killer was though. Her only mistake was letting Lucifer find out too.

She, Dan, and a few nameless officers pulled up to the killer address. Chloe saw Lucifer's corvette and yelled to stop the officers from going, hoping to spare them the trauma seeing Lucifer's devil face can cause. "Dan, stay out here. I got this," Dan hated Lucifer but he trusted Chloe and he knew Lucifer loved her and would never let anything happen to her. Chloe entered cautiously; gun drawn. She looked around cautiously, then heard a crash in the next room.

Lucifer, despite his affliction with human weapons, had a gun pointed at the killer. "Lucifer," she said, her voice wavering slightly, "don't." He didn't even look away, "Detective, you should go," he turned his attention back to the killer, "you murdered her, an innocent woman, for what? Greed? Needed a few extra bucks?" Chloe didn't know what else to do. She walked up to Lucifer and placed a hand on his shoulder. He stopped walking. Progress. "Lucifer, I know you want to punish him, but this isn't how we do things. I know it was your job, but you're here now. Please Lucifer," despite everything in her screaming at her not to, she buried her face in Lucifer's chest. A gun shot sounded through the room and she flinched, then his arm snaked around her and she pulled away slightly. The other officers had come in and Lucifer was handing his gun to Dan. The killer was being cuffed, un-harmed. She looked up at him, "you didn't shoot him, why?" Lucifer looked away from the murderer but never loosened his grip on her, "I suppose because of you. I'm here now, with you. There is nothing I wouldn't do to keep it that way." Chloe smiled, "You chose me." Lucifer used the hand that wasn't holding her to gently brush her hair out of her face. "I will always choose you, Chloe." He kissed her. It wasn't like they hadn't kissed a million times before, but her world spun as she once again realized how much she loved the man in front of her and how, they truly were real.  

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