The trial (Last Chapter)

Start from the beginning

"I sentence Jacob Perez to spending the rest of his adolescent years in juvenile prison and 10 years in prison after with chance of parole"The judge gives his verdict and most of us sigh.They place Jacob in handcuffs and take im away.As soon as he's out I get up and leave the court room before anyone else,Mikel,Dani,and the rest of em follow me out calling my name.

I open the doors and the first person I see is Roc."Look Alexis lemme explain--"He starts but I cut him off."Can we go somewhere?"I ask quickly."Why?What happened?"He asks concerned."I just wanna talk to you alone and I can't be here anymore."I say looking directly into his eyes."Ok let's go then."He says and I grab his arm and start walking towards the doors."Alexis!"I hear Mikel yell."Shouldn't we stop?"Roc asks."No."I say and keep trying to go but I feel an hand roughly pull me back.I turn and see Mikel."Hey!"Roc says noticing how hard he pulled me."I'm talking to my sister."He says aggressively."Roc just leave for a second."I tell him not wanting him to hear whatever Mikel is going to say.He looks at me questioning and I nod,he goes into the court room I guess looking for Robyn or something."I pray to God you were lying in there."He says shaking his head and I just keep quiet."Huh?"And I just shake my head no."What's that suppose to mean?"He asks."I--we did."I choke out."3 days ago.Wow.You mean to tell me the day I woke up and didn't see my sister there you were busy fucking him!The same him who kidnapped us,killed your baby,and had part in putting me in the coma!"He yells at me and now my tears have started."Why?!I just wanna know why?"    "I was drunk and--"I try to answer but he cuts me off."I don't believe you!You know why you did it?Cuz your just a ho."He says and with every word breaking my heart.

He leaves me there after that and I notice everyone was standing there watching.Embarrassed,I run outside not knowing what to do until Roc runs out behind me and grabs my hand."What was that?Why is he mad at you?"He asks confused."You didn't hear?"I ask crying."No just the last part,what happened at the trial?"He asks."Can we go?"I ask avoiding his question."C'mon."He says and leads me to his car.

We drive in silence with my occasional sniff until he breaks it."So are gon tell me what's up?"He says placing his hand on my thigh."Can we get where were going first?"I ask uncomfortably."And where is that?"He asks."I don't know anywhere we can just talk."I say and he smiles at me."Ok."

"We here."Roc says getting out the car.I look out and see he took me to the same park from yesterday.Today there are actually some kids here.We sit on a bench and I take a deep breath."Roc I have to tell you something and I don't want you to freak out or get mad just to listen to me."I say.He nods for me to continue."I slept with Jacob."I confess biting my lip."I know."He says and I open my mouth to talk but he continues."That's how you got pregnant duh."He says stupidly."No Roc."I say shaking my head."I mean I slept with him...recently."I say a little more clearly."You mean when he raped you?"Roc asks.I shake my head again."A couple days ago...well the day you and Robyn came over,after y'all left I had a couple drinks and I ended up calling Jacob over I guess.I don't really remember much but I woke up next to him in bed."I explain.He doesn't say anything."Roc?Say something."I say cautiously."Say what?I'm pissed Alexis.Mikel woke up the next day and I came over that morning."He says trying to piece something together."Why didn't you tell me then?"He asks."I tried but I was afraid.I didn't want any of this to happen."I tell him."Then you shouldn't have called him over."Roc tells me."Why didn't you call me if you wanted to talk?"   "Because you were the problem Roc!"I accidentally yell causing some moms to glance over."What do you mean?"He asks."I can't stand to see you with Robyn!She ended me and Jacob's relationship now she's ending ours!"I yell."That doesn't mean you call this nigga up!The same guy who killed your baby!"He yells back."What about Robyn?!"I ask him."What about her?"    "She had a part to.Just because I dropped the charges doesn't mean we should forget what she did."I say."I thought we already decided to drop it."He says rubbing his temples."No you decided Roc and I just went along with it cuz I loved you!"I yell at him."Loved?You don't love me no more?"He asks."I don't know anymore.I don't care anymore."I say out of anger."Well then I should just take you home."He say standing up but I can see the hurt in his eyes.I'll call him tomorrow and apologize but right now I'm just too angry to deal with this."Yea you should."I say standing up too.We walk in silence to his car and start driving.

We pull up to my house and I see Mikel's car is here.I open the door to get out but he pulls me back by my arm not roughly though.I turn to him."I know you probably don't care but I'm flying back out to L.A. tomorrow."He tells me."My mom called and said my sister was ready to talk to me so I wanna go as soon as possible."I sit there taking it in."That's why I was late."He says and I look at him confused."That's why I was late to the trial and when I got there they wouldn't let me in.I was getting everything in order for tomorrow."
How can he just leave me in the midst of everything going on?!I know we're having problems but a real man would stay and fix them not run away.

"I was going to ask you to come with me but you probably don't want to considering..."He says looking at me hopefully."I don't think that would be a good idea.Your coming back right?"I ask.He nods."Yea."He says but it sounds a little unsure."Do you really not love me anymore?"He asks."It's hard loving you Roc."I tell him honestly and get out of the car,he drives away.


You guys that was the last chapter!!!Don't worry though I'm working on the first part to the sequel and it should be out within this next week.It's called Roc with you.Also I have 2 other books I'm working on.One is the sequel to my other book Drama Left and Right and it's called Drama Left behind and the other one is a Nicki Minaj story.Look out for all those and thanx for reading this!

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