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January 2, 2019

Blaine Anderson laid on a navy blue blanket on the grass in a meadow. He stared up at the midnight sky that was a mixture of purple, blue, and pink with little hints of a bright orange. Stars illuminated the beautiful night sky. Tear tracks streaked Blaine's olive cheeks. An untouched woven picnic basket sat next to Blaine's left and a simple red rose laid on his right.

Memories of that night flooded his mind. The second he got the call. The panic he felt and the sadness that followed soon after. The pain. The terror. The agony. The heartache.

Blaine never expected his life to change. It's crazy to think that everything was perfectly fine one second and life sends you a complete curved ball. In an instant, everything turns to shit. One second you're up, tall and strong and the next second, you get hit, and you're forced to the ground, weak and vulnerable, with nowhere to turn. That's exactly what happened to Blaine.


September 3, 2017

Blaine Anderson was not a stranger to the public eye. In fact, some people would even call him perfect. Even though he wouldn't exactly classify himself anywhere near perfect. He was mostly known for his show Dalton which was about to come to its third season. He had put out a mini EP that had four songs and an album from the show.

He had gone on tour twice and even done a Broadway show for a few weeks. While still being a teenager. Which was crazy for him to be lucky enough to be able to experience all these wonderful opportunities. Everything started winding down as he got to his senior year of high school. He had been home-schooled the past few years. So, he was beyond excited when he was told he could finally be able to go to a public school for his senior year. He got to stay in Ohio and stay with his parents whom he hadn't seen much of since moving to Los Angeles. Dalton would be taking a year long break from filming because of an incident that had happened on set which made them have to rebuild the whole set. The break was a much needed one anyway.

The last time he'd gone to a public school was when he was in seventh grade and it left on a sour note of bullying and being put in the hospital after being cornered and practically beaten to a pulp. The principal didn't do much about the situation.

His parents didn't understand why he would want to go back to a public school when he could very well go to a private school like they intended. Blaine simply just shrugged and said, "New opportunities."

Going back to school wasn't the only reason Blaine was happy. He was also very glad to finally get a break after four to five years of constant working.

Blaine smiled as he grabbed a bagel from the kitchen counter. "Bye dad." He said as he put on his jacket. "Has mom-" Nick Anderson nodded.

"Yeah. She told me to tell you she gives you her best wishes for your first day." He said as he patted him lightly on the back. Blaine nodded grabbing his bag.

"See you later. Love you." Blaine waved to his dad.

"Love you too. Good luck on your first day and I'm staying late at the office today. So, you know." His dad smiled as Blaine nodded, walking out the door and closing the door lightly behind him.


Kurt Hummel was ecstatic now that it was his senior year of high school. He couldn't wait to finally get out of McKinley and get out of Lima. Ohio in general. He had so many plans for the future, but a letter he would have to mail in later on in the year could change all of that. He didn't want to think of the possibility of not getting in.

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