
Start from the beginning

"That's for me to know and for you to find out." He booped me on my nose and gave me an innocent smile. I smiled up at him. I hooked my arm with his and we began to walk.

On the walk to our destination we talked about everything and nothing. Time seemed to pass by fast when I was with George and I never got bored with him. George was everything Fred was not, he was nice, sweet, funny, genial, genuine and best of all he actually cared about me unlike his ruthless, piece-of-shit, lead-you-on, look-out-for-number-one, toxic twin brother Fred.

We reached the black lake,
"George-a-licious, what are we doing here?" He smiled.

"Don't call me that. A little more ways and you'll find out." We walked further and soon I saw a beautiful field, and in the field was an even more beautiful picnic:

" We walked further and soon I saw a beautiful field, and in the field was an even more beautiful picnic:

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(My man George-a-licious did well, act like there's a shit load of food and not just apples)

"Holy crap nuggets George Fabian Weasley, you did not do this for me did you?"

"Indeed I did m'lady." He smiled down at me. He took my hand from my side and led me over to the set up. We sat down on the blanket and I looked at all the food (🥲)

"Did you do this all your self?"

"Mostly, but I had a tad bit of help from the house elf's, I didn't wanna mess this up because of a burnt biscuit." He smiled at the ground and rubbed the back of his neck.

I put a hand on his shoulder for reassuring and he looked at me, "George, a burnt biscuit could never mess up quality time with you." I realized how close we had gotten to each other, staring into each other's eyes for so long, I looked down at his lips and he did mine.

I leaned in and so did he, suddenly our lips were pressed up against each other. The kiss was like nothing I've ever had before. This kiss was much like him, passionate, sweet, kind, caring and genuine. It went on for a long time and when we finally had pulled away we rested our foreheads together.

"Y/n, you have no idea how long I've wanted to do that." He said out of breath.

" I couldn't agree more George-a-licious." We smiled together and pulled away from the beautiful moment and we shared to eat. (My fat ass 😐🤚)

We spent nine hours just talking outside, we finished the food about seven hours ago, it was getting dark and we didn't want to miss dinner and it was getting cold so we packed up and started walking back. We were walking close together by the edge of the black lake when suddenly, the land was taken from under me and next thing I knew I was gasping for air.

"George, what the fuck?" He tried to answer but he was laughing to hard. I took time to take in his amazing laugh; his head was thrown back and he was clutching his stomach.

"Alright, alright I get it very funny haha. Now help me out would'ja?" He walked up and took both my hands and before he had time to think I pulled him in.

Now it was my turn to laugh. He came back to the surface and smiled at me, "why you sneaky, little..." Then he grabbed my waist and started ticking me. We kept splashing each other in the lake for about five minutes.

We walked back to the castle, for real this time dripping wet from our head down to our toes and fully clothed. We were laughing the entire way back making fun of each other's facial expressions when we're in water.

As we entered the great hall we stopped laughing and walked over to the Gryffindor table. I sat on one side next to George and we talked lowly amongst us forgetting there were other people in the world, that was until someone cleared their throat.

"And where have you two been all day?" Asked Ginny.

"Just hanging out." I responded.

"Well, we were all starting to worry and we're going to go look for you after dinner." Added Hermione.

"Thanks for your concern Hermione, but as you can see, y/n and I are more then fine." George stated.

"Yeah, that's obvious, it's not like you two are dripping wet." Added Ron.

"Can it Won won, or would you like me to remind you about the time you told me that you had a we..."

"Alright, alright. I get it." George and I looked at each other and smiled. Across from me sat Fred who I made eye contact with. I couldn't read his expression,but somewhere in between angry, jealous and something else. Then a note came from no where into my hand.

      Meet me at the top of the Astronomy tower at midnight, sharp. Come alone.

No one saw the note but me, who could it me from?

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I thought to do an 'ass-kisser' chapter today because I didn't get the chance to post one last Wednesday. Also let's address the elephant in the room, my clear over-usage of emojis (😐🤚, 😭🤚, 🙄🤚, 🦋, 🗼 😉) Lastly, I have no idea where I'm going with this so HMU 🤙 ily

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