☆ Chapter 2 - The last Time ☆

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Me and Cecelia are 8 years old, which is actually pretty cool because it's considered a lucky number. We have also been best friends for 3 years, ever since we were 5 years old. That seems like a pretty long time, but I feel like time's gone by so quickly.

Cecelia told me that she has something to tell me, and I wonder what it is. Maybe we were both getting adopted by a family? I hope that's the case, because we were practically inseparable.

We knew each other's favorite colors, birthdays, our bucket lists, and everything there is to know. Cecelia told me that she wanted to be a healer when she becomes an adult, and I think that sounds like a great idea.

Being an adult sounds like hard work, and I'm honestly glad that I'm still a kid. I guess it would be pretty nice to be taken seriously though, because everyone thinks that kids are naive.

The orphanage didn't get that much funding, which meant that we didn't really get stuff that normal kids get. I had 2 tattered shirts, 3 pairs of worn out shorts, and a couple pairs of underwear.

I guess I shouldn't complain though, because the orphanage taught us that we should be grateful for what we have. 

Cecelia thought it was pretty stupid, because we had near to nothing. She made a good point, and I definitely did not want to disagree with her. I never have to disagree with her because she always seems to make good points.

I guess I've been rambling in my mind too much, probably because I'm nervous of what Cecelia's going to tell me. 

"Tom, what are you thinking about?", Cecelia says, breaking my obsessive thoughts.

"Oh nothing, I was just wondering what you're about to tell me," I reply.

Her once smiling face turns into a frown, and her face becomes serious. I've never seen her with a serious face, which gets me worried.

"Are you okay, Cecelia?", I ask, concerned.

"I'm fine..... no I'm not," she says with a worried expression.

"I was thirsty, and I had to go get a drink of water. As I was walking down the hallway, I heard the orphanage owner and some man talking-" Cecilia says, while breaking her sentence to calm down. She looked as if she was about to break into tears.

Cecelia begins to tell me everything she had overheard.

........ Flashback to the previous night:

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr.Jones", the orphanage owner, Matilda raspily says.

"Of course, anything to help the poor children in such an unfortunate situation", Mr.Jones replies, with a smirk painted on his face.

"You've seen all the children here, right?", Matilda questions.

"Yes, I have. In fact, I've decided who I  would like to adopt," the man says with confidence.

"Already? Well, who may this lucky person be?", Matilda says, confused as to who caught the man's attention so quickly.

"That girl named Cecelia. She's the one with the brown hair, brown eyes, and chubby cheeks, right? I would like to adopt her", he states.

Matilda slightly gasps at this. No one had dared adopt the child, because of...

She couldn't even think of it, it was that horrendous.

"Are you sure you want to adopt that girl? There are plenty of other children that would be more of a suitable fit than - she's not going to accept your offer either way, the girl's practically attached to that boy," Matilda hastily says.

"I will pay you 30 galleons extra to obliviate the two.  And if you don't let me adopt her, then I will make you go 6 feet under, Matilda," Mr.Jones replies, with a nasty grin etched onto his face.

"No problem then, you may take her, and I assure you that boy won't ever see her again," Matilda replies, with a ghastly look on her face.

"Good, I'll see you and her in the morning."the man says before walking away.

......... Flashback ends

To say the least, I was surprised. I knew that eventually, Cecelia would be adopted, but I didn't know that she would leave me so soon. The worst part was I couldn't do anything about it, not a single thing.

I walk away from Cecelia without saying a single word, because I knew that I would break down in front of her if I spoke. 

As I lay down in my bed, I let my thoughts drift away.....


It was now the next morning, and I was somber. As I made my way to have breakfast, Cecelia wasn't there. She was gone, and I knew she would be gone forever. Maybe not the way my parents are, but I knew I wouldn't be able to see her ever again.

At least I wouldn't have to carry this pain with me, all of it would be gone when my memories are wiped. 

"Tom, may I see you in my office?", Matilda says with a fake, sickening voice. She walks over to me, and gestures me to her overly pink office.

I knew from the beginning that the orphanage owner was a wretched owner, but I didn't know she would do this to me. Oh well, might as well accept my fate.

I don't say anything, and I simply just follow her into her office. She had a bunch of muggle quotes hung up in her room filled with fake happiness, which was very contradicting to her true character.

"I know how much you love lemonade, so I made you some," she says while grinning at me like a mad woman.

Matilda waits eagerly for me to take a sip of the drink, and I knew why. I didn't really have a choice, so I took a sip. Everything started to look fuzzy, and that's when I hear her.

"Obliviate!"Matilda exclaims.

Before I could process everything, I was out. And that was the last time before.....


Let me know what you think of this chapter!

Always - T.MOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora