My Fake Affair.

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Hey this is just a story i've been working on... tell me what you think and maybe i'll upload more? =)

My Fake Affair.

Chapter 1

I sat there on the couch looking at the TV but not actually watching it. I was too busy being upset. Why am I upset you ask? Well, that would be because my plans for Saturday night have been cancelled.

My boyfriend, Alec, has a last minute 'Family Dinner' to go to. His Mom always does this crap! I would go, but I'm really pissed that he is such a Mama's boy. We just moved out for Christ sake!

I turned 18 about 9 months ago and graduated a few months back, Alec on the other hand turned 19 last month and still keeps jumping at his Mothers beck and call. We moved for a reason and I guess he forgot why.

"You have the money for it, and we need our privacy babe."

Privacy? Psh! How is it that every time we go over his parent's house, his Mom always knows everything that happened at our place in the past week? And I do mean everything.

I sighed just as I heard the front door open interrupting my thoughts as loud voices followed.

"Dude! I just got Black Ops!" That would be Alec.

"No way! That shit is bomb! Put it on!" That's most likely my brother Josh.

"Nazi Zombies here we come!" Alec said as he ran to the TV.

"Hey Sis!" Josh said as he jumped over the back of the couch and plopped down.

"Babe?" Alec said rushing to my side "You know how my Mom is!" He said faking a pout.

I ignored him and looked back at the TV, just as my brother changed the channel.

"Hey Jerk! I was watching that!" I shouted!

"So! Me and Alec are gonna kill some Zombies!"

"Oh my god! I don't care! And anyways, I already beat that crap and I don't wanna watch you fail!" I snickered as I snatched the remote from his hand. I put it back on the normal channel and sat clutching the remote to my chest.

"And besides, this is my house. You can go home." I said pretending to be nice.

"Oh just let the girl watch Television." My brother's best friend Adam said as he walked into the room.

"Thank you Adam." I said with a genuine smile. Adam has always been more of my friend than Josh's.  Josh and Alec play video games while Adam and I talk or play cards and the like.

We haven't been hanging out a lot because his wife has him on a tight leash. He got married 2 years ago, to some girl who I barely know, because she is a stuck up bitch. Her name is Claudia, or Carla or something like that. He never mentions her because he knows I don't like her, and we never really see her because she is "Too good for us" (Her words exactly).

For about the first year they were married she wouldn't let him around my brother because "he's too immature" (again her words). When I heard that I was like 'Who is this bitch to tell Adam that my brother is too immature'.

 I mean... he is immature for a 22 year old, but who is she too say that, when she barely knows him?

Another reason we hardly see Adam is because she got him to move into her house and that wouldn't be a problem, if she didn't live in another town! His family and friends live here and she made him move out! What a bitch right? The sad part out of all of this is that Adam is completely whipped.

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