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"What are we gonna do to him?" Ruby asked as she watches them tie up the unknown man.

"We'll get some information from him," Raven answers, slamming the door after they put the man inside their car.

"Let's go" they went inside their cars and drove off to their destination.

Ruby took a glance at Kai and back outside the window. She spaced out for a second before something hit inside her head.

'What the hell?'

'What was that all about?'

'Why were there men surrounding us earlier?'

'And why does Raven and Daniel guy dressed in suits like they're some agents or something?'

"Hey Kai, why are t-" he cuts me off.

"We'll talk about that later," he said.

I frowned, " why not now?"

"Just-" he stops and sighs.

"It's not the right time to tell you, okay? " he said, rolling the steering wheel to the left to turn around the street.

My frown deepens as many thoughts came out of my head.

'Not the right time to tell me what?'

"Woahh.." I immediately closed my mouth before anyone can turn their heads to me.

This house is a freaking mansion. How come they have a great mansion in the middle of the forest?

"You own this house?" I asked, walking ahead of them, touching the expensive vases and other things.

"No, we don't, " Kai says, a hint of sarcasm is evident in his voice. I rolled my eyes at him and continued to roam around, ending up inside the kitchen.

Two chefs are cooking with their backs facing me. The smell of the food was making my mouth water. I wonder what is it. It really smells good. I guess they hired professionals.

Suddenly, a butcher knife was being thrown towards me. I consciously ducked and missed the tool.

I believe that they are not just professional chefs here.

"May I know who you are Ms. Tresspasser? " one of them said. Turning around to face me with three daggers in his hand.

I scoffed, "first of all, I'm not trespassing, second why the-" I stop myself quickly before I curse. Who knows he might throw those daggers straight to my head.

I faked coughed and continued," second of all, why did you throw the knife at me?" He raised his eyebrow at me.

"Because you're trespassing and we must protect this mansion or else we're going to be killed by master K-"

"Who said you could talk while doing your task?" Kai suddenly appeared behind me. The chef immediately turn around and focused on cutting the lobster, swiftly stabbing its head and slicing it in half.

Poor lobster......

Can't wait to eat it.

"You," Kai calls. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Follow me, I'll show you your room," he then walked outside the kitchen. I silently took a sniff of the food and followed after him with my stomach growling.

After a long-ass walk, we finally stopped in front of the expensive black wooden door. There's a plate on the center of the door but it was covered with a clean cloth. I was about to take it off but Kai held my wrist.

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