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"give me the remote back j, i don't wanna watch steven universe!!"i said, desperately trying to rip it from her tight hold
"mmm, no i don't think i will." josie replied while smirking, god that smirk annoyed me.

me and josie had been together for around 2 weeks, and the tension between us to kiss was growing second by second, everytime she smirked i wanted to kiss her more.

"if you want the remote, come catch me." and by the time what josie said had processed, she was gone.
i ran around in circles trying to find her, with absolutely no luck, i don't get it, my house isn't that big!
after two minutes i gave up and went back to the living room, josie was there.
"aha found you, the remote is mine now." i said in a cheeky tone
as i went closer to her to grab the remote, l felt her lift my chin up so my lips matched up with hers, and before i knew it, i felt her soft lips against mine. i began to follow her lead, my lips moving alone side hers.
josie stepped back and looked me up and down, i was a blushing mess, she started to giggle at the fact i was so flustered, though i didn't find it as amusing.
josie walked to the couch and sat down, i followed still flustered from what just took place.
"oh by the way, i'm putting on steven universe now."


l o l
drink water and stay healthy lovely's💕

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