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liked by harrystyles and 763,826 others@stellalovinglarry: guys omfg so i cut out my face but i met haz and lou and they were so nice ahhhh!view 445,927 comments

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liked by harrystyles and 763,826 others
@stellalovinglarry: guys omfg so i cut out my face but i met haz and lou and they were so nice ahhhh!
view 445,927 comments

@larry'svodka: he liked!? WHAT? WHERE? HOW? IM SO JEALOUS😭
@stellalovinglarry: omg don't be also I'm on vacation with my family in Spain and I saw them just walking around holding hands and whispering at the hotel im staying in!
@larry'svodka: give me details pls!!!!!
@stellalovinglarry: of course anywho they were like talking and i went up to harry and told him i was super excited for dwd and i told Louis i was super excited for walls and then they were literally flirting, I kid you not like Louis said "look even she's not wearing a shirt. why are you still wearing your shirt? it's hot" and harry replied "i bet you'd like me taking it off, wouldn't you?" and omg they are so British but anyways after they realised the sexual tension Louis asked if I wanted a photo and we took one but then this security guy who you can see in the photo said "no photos" and i was like wtf and then harry looked at me so sad like he was so smiley and flirty but then he was all sad and quiet, I wonder if the management wants to separate them?
@lazstylinson: queen Stella giving us the theories🙌
@larry'svodka: omg that's so cute until the dude interrupted.
@stellalovinglarry: definitely i feel like im still shaking after meeting them.

@wtfzen: why were they in Spain? i bet harry and Olivia were there and Louis was being an attention seeker and came with ugh.
@stellalovinglarry: if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it under my post!!
@wtfzen: you cant tell me what to do just because you met them.
@stellalovinglarry: actually i can.
stellalovinglarry deleted comment.
stellalovinglarry blocked wtfzen.



louist92(@HazzaSTYLES): @Harry_Styles tweet something about the colour blue if you are with louis in spain!!!!!
6k replies 3k retweets 9k likes


Harry_Styles: same lips red, same eyes blue...
369k replies 337k retweets 893k likes

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