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"Oh! Right. You were that guy!"

"What brings you here? How may I help you?" you asked Beomgyu.

"I was wondering where could I ask for a petty cash voucher?" the boy answered.

"You can get them at the accounting department. It's at the left turn at the laboratory area, first floor."

Once again, Beomgyu felt somehow dumbfounded, the location of these areas could probably be seen in the elevator yet he asked you about it. He thought you looked like you didn't mind though.

"Oh. Thankyou, and sorry for bothering."

You smiled at him. "There's nothing to be sorry for. See you around, then." you were about to knock on the door when he asked for your name all of a sudden.

"Wait! Uhm, what's your name?" you stared at him for a few moments, examining his expression before you responded.

"Y/N." you spoke. Your name sounded beautiful to Beomgyu, but of course you didn't know that. "Yours?"

"Beomgyu." he flashed you a grin.

"Uhm, one last question, sorry. Are you an intern here? You look like you're around my age." he wanted so bad to know more about you, now that he's got the chance to have a conversation with you, he hoped for a next time and that it doesn't end right here.

"Yep. I do my internship here, it's to fulfill the requirement since I'm in my last year of highschool."

"Oh! We're on the same year level and I'm also an intern. Well, not yet. I'll be deployed soon at a music studio, as a dance instructor." Beomgyu smiled shyly and looked at the ground, realizing he was bothering you on your work.

"Argh, I'm sorry for being such a blabber. I'll get going and I won't disturb you any further."

"No, no, no, you didn't bothered me at all! It was nice that I met someone who's not from my school. Don't worry about it, Beomgyu. But alright, I'll get going too. Let's talk more if we see again here, maybe on my free time? Or it depends if our scheds conflict. Anyway, see you around though." you reassured him with alot of hand gestures.

Beomgyu's stomach is suddenly filled with butterflies when he heard you metioned his name for the first time. The way his name rolled out from your tongue amazed him and sounded like music to his ears. Boy, he is whipped.

"Hmm, okay then. See you around or whenever." he hummed bidding you goodbye with his hands and both of you took their own separate ways.

Beomgyu puts his hands to his face and slaps himself out to reality, because what just happened, felt like a dream to him.

Every second of it.

He couldn't believe he was able to finally get to talk to the girl, to Y/N. She radiated such a kind and pleasant personality that he can't help himself be more eager to spend time with her, to build a wonderful friendship, and hopefully as time goes by, she notices his feelings and develops her's for him in return.

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