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The next morning, Beomgyu woked up a few minutes before his alarm. He felt like the same as he was yesterday. To be honest, he didn't understood his own feelings as well. He was so desperately curious to know more about that girl, but he didn't knew exactly why. Or he maybe did, Beomgyu just didn't want to acknowledge it. The thump of his heart rapidly increasing when he recalled the incident.

Her actions were.... different. He may have just met her for a minute, heck, even just for a few seconds, but everything that happened, in his perspective, was in slow mo.

Maybe it was the way she had enough proper manners and conscience to even simply pick up a trash and threw it away. Or the way her lips automatically flashed him a small smile when he wore a sad expression, and Beomgyu sort of felt a connection. He thought it was kind of cliché; being intrigued by someone you randomly bumped into, and thinking about them for countless of times just because they're not like the other girls.

"Love at first sight?" he mumbled to himself, thinking out loud.

"Pfft. No.... It can't be. I don't even believe in those type of things. There's no such thing." he reminded himself and stiffled a light laugh.

After battling with himself, he concluded that maybe, just maybe, it was to help him be reminded that there are still people out there that understood how he feel. But deep inside, there's a lingering feeling that seemed familiar with her from a great distance, and the thought made him even more confused than he already was.

Finally deciding to get up, Beomgyu made a mental note to visiy his friend at the hospital later.

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