[ 9 ] redolence

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(This takes place along with the eighth chapter. Listen to 'for the love of a daughter' by Demi Lovato while reading this. I promise your reading experience will be amazing if you do.)

Mist's P.O.V

So far in the monotonous shades of my silent life, I've gone through much more than what you can see on my outside. During the long walk from my school to my place, My mind begins to wander off to a topic I didn't dare reminiscing before. My past life.

I try my best to be optimistic but today, my thoughts were just too strong to control. The barrier controlling those unattended thoughts for this long, finally broke.

The walk to my house from the school is just as long as one would have to walk from one end of the louvre museum to the other. Three miles long. It always gives me enough time to let my mind wander across the different phases of my life - from the happy times to the other not-so-happy moments.

Slowly I drift off to another world, where I see myself, a kindergarten student. I could talk back then. I had a voice. Things weren't as bad then, as they are now. But the most surprising fact, to be honest I still can't believe actually happened, was that Gwendolyn Mary Pierce was my best friend. I wasn't in this school back then. I was in a preppy preschool. And so was Gwendolyn. That was how she knew about me drawing myself, or at least trying to.

She used to stick with me back then. Her family and mine were friends. She didn't have the blonde hair - blue eyes look that she has now. She's a natural brunette. She had freckles and huge square-framed glasses. If one saw her back then, they'd be surprised and rather astounded at how much she's changed.

Our family was pretty rich back then. And by rich, I mean really rich. The house that we live in now looked more posh back then, with all the grand furniture, compared to the ragtag ones we have now. But the major difference back then was, I still had my voice.

That is, until I was eight. The year Gwendolyn's mom, Driselda Rosalie Pierce (a literal she-devil), partnered with my Dad to build a school, to which he agreed. And that, must've been the biggest mistake of his life.

Gwendolyn started acting superior, claiming it was her mother's idea and my dad was just a puppet to get it all done for her. Thinking of it now, I feel really stupid that I got offended when she said that. We literally started hating each other and then became enemies. Die-hard enemies.

Madam Driselda and my Dad worked really hard for this project. It was while all this was going on, when I lost my voice.

My dad wanted to get me a surgery for fixing it. But the surgery cost a lot of money. And with him investing in the school, I stopped him.

My dad didn't argue much because he knew he could fix it later and not being able to speak for one year at the most, wouldn't kill me.

The school's construction was done two years later. Madam Driselda chose the interiors and it's name - Phoenix Charms high. My dad didn't mind. I was transferred from my previous school to this school. With it, came the growing hate between me and Gwendolyn.

I was ten when we were transferred. I was made to have every single class, with Gwendolyn. She made new friends, while I just stayed put behind. I didn't think I needed friends. Her friend circle kept increasing and she just kept on making people like her, or become friends with her. Friends she could bully me with. But me, I stuck to myself. Along with my voice, I'd lost my self-confidence. I didn't want to have friends. I knew they'd all pity me and give me special treatment. I wanted to be one in the group, not a person treated nicely with pity.

My Dad would take me to a doctor every week, who'd try to give me medication instead of surgery. It was just a block in my throat, which he thought could be cured by medication. Everything was going on good. My medication. Progress at his school.

Cursed silence (MAJOR EDITING IN PROGRESS + ON HOLD)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu