My New Kitty Pt2

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-Marinette's POV-
"Listen, Princess" Adrien started.
     What was this all about? I knew he was Chat Noir but he didn't know I knew. But, I had to play along.
     "Chat- Chat Noir?" I acted. "Yes. Now, why did you tell Ladybug about our little chat yesterday? YOU MADE ME LOSE MY JOB. NOW I CAN'T SEE M'LADY BECAUSE OF YOU!" he shouted. "M-maybe she had a good reason?" He shoved me into the locker. "Yeah? And what is that?"

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" a mysterious voice yelled. "I'm teaching Marinette here a lesson, for making me lose Plagg." Adrien replied. "GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER!" the voice yelled again. My vision was blurry, but I heard stomping. Then suddenly, *SMACK*. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR FÉLIX?" Adrien shouted. "Fé-Félix?" I managed to get his name in before passing out.

-Félix's POV-
"MARINETTE?" After I yelled her name I heard heels clacking against the floor. "What is going on in h- MARINETTE?" Ms Bustier said as she walked in the locker room. "What happened?" "I heard shouting while I was walking to the bathroom, and I followed it and saw Adrien choking Marinette against the lockers shouting at her for "telling Ladybug about their little chat" and I smacked him, then Marinette passed out." I explained. "ADRIEN? This is so unlike you!" Lila started. "This is all your fault Lila." I added. "Moi?" she replied. "YES YOU! ADRIEN WAS CHAT NOIR AND HE WENT TO TEASE MARINETTE ABOUT YOUR LIES! SHE TOLD LADYBUG AND SHE TOOK AWAY HIS MIRACULOUS FOR TREATING A CIVILIAN LIKE A TRASH BAG." I yelled.
     I picked up Marinette unconscious body and ran out the school. I called an ambulance and they took both of us to the hospital.

-Third Person-
     Félix stood over Marinette's hospital bed, tears in his eyes. "Mr Félix? Marinette's mother is here." the nurse started.

-Sabine's POV-
I stepped room 24b where my daughter was. I got a call that she was unconscious and her friend called an ambulance for her. "Oh my! What happened to her? Do you know?" I asked the boy. "Yes I do." he started. I looked at him with a look that said 'go ahead'. "My cousin, Adrien, he was shouting at Marinette for "making him lose his job" as Chat Noir. He shoved her into the locker and I ran in just.. well almost on time. I smacked him, then her dropped her. She passed out and I called the ambulance." he explained "Adrien did this?" I said with the greatest shock. He nodded with tears in his eyes. "You really care about her don't you?" I ask. He nods with the tears falling out. "I'm sure she'll be alright." I say.

-Felix'x POV-

     I could feel the tears falling down my face as Mrs Dupain-Cheng hugs me in comfort. Marinette was my first real friend. I really like her and can't bare to see her this way. "I should get going." I say in shame. "Could you tell her I was here when she wakes up?" "Yes sure." Sabine says with a smile.

I walk out of the hospital to go home. I walk into the mansion and slam my bedroom door. About 15 minutes later I hear a knock. "Come in" "Hey Felix? I'm sorry for today I just let my anger take contr-" "YOU HAVE SOME NERVE COMING IN HERE!" I shout at him. "I just wanted t-" "She's in the hospital because of you!" I say on the verge of tears. "What is all this shouting about Felix?" Nathalie concerns. "The girl I love is in the hospital because of this abuser." I cry pointing at Adrien. "Abuser? Adrien? Do you have something to explain? I think your father has to get involved." She runs off to go get my uncle.

-Nathalie's POV-

I knock at Gabriel's door. "Gabriel? Sir?" "Yes Nathalie?" he says looking at his tablet screen. "Adrien and Felix have gotten into a little mishap." I say with a low voice. I lead Gabriel to Felix's room.

-Felix's POV-

I hear my uncle coming up the stair's. I cry into my sleeve while laying my head on my desk. "What is going on? Why is Felix crying?" he says. "Father, let me explain!" Adrien starts. "NO. I want Felix to explain." "Uncle. He put a girl in the hospital." I say lifting my head. "My own son?" he angers. "Yes. He shoved her into a locker. Now she's in the hospital knocked out.

My uncle then drags Adrien by his ear out of the house. All I hear is shouting. Then I hear a car drive off. My uncle then comes in and shut's his office door

-Gabriel's POV-

I knew exactly what girl Adrien put in the hospital. I was so disappointed, but even more upset at Lila. I called her. "Yes sir?" she answered. "How DARE you!" I shouted. "W-what ever do you mean sir?" "I told you to get her upset enough to akumatized her, not HOSPITALIZE her!" "b-b-but sir! I didn't do it!" "Yes you did. You caused my son to get upset at her and slam her head into a locker." "..." "From now on. You. Are. FIRED!" I hung up.

-Lila's POV-

"You. Are. FIRED!" Those words shattered my heart. I lost my job and my chance's with Adrien. It's all my fault. I couldn't believe I caused myself that much trouble. I was having so much fun, I didn't even realize how much damage I did.

-Tom's POV-

My wife was still at the hospital with Marinette. I couldn't believe what Sabine told me. That Adrien boy was the cause of my daughter's hospitalization. I was in the bakery, baking my sadness away for my daughter. Then, I heard the bell. It was, HIM.

A/N; Sorry for the late update, and the cliffhanger. This story is getting SPICY. I'll probably spend the next two days or so writing the next chapter. I'll try to make it over 3,000 words (not including the author note). Give me some suggestions for akuma names, lucky charm solutions, and plots.

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