My New Kitty Pt 1

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A/N; I decided to post two parts today! I will post more probably early tomorrow or later.

(Adrien's POV)

I couldn't believe Marinette would do that. It was about 17:35 when I said, "Hey Plagg, I should go give Marinette a visit." "Are you sure, Adrien? She seems a little down." Plagg replies. How could PLAGG be defending a LIAR?! "She needs a little more upsetting." I whispered under my breathe with a smirk. A couple seconds later.... PLAGG CLAWS OUT.
I jumped roof to roof, then I finally got to Marinette's balcony. -Knock Knock Knock-
She opens the balcony door. With tears in her eyes. "Chat Noir?" She said wiping her tears. "Hey Marinette." I replied with no sympathy. "What are you doing here?" She asked. "Oh nothing. Just visiting an abusive liar." I shouted.
"So you believe her too?" She started. "Leave. Now. I WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU ANYMORE! WE'RE DONE!" Could could believe this? She broke up with me! This just proves how abusive and manipulative she is! HA! I chuckled a went my merry way on my stick.

(Marinette's POV)
I had to quit on Chat Noir. I know his identity but he doesn't know mine. He doesn't deserve a miraculous if he's going to be this way towards civilians.

"Tikki?" "Yes, Marinette?" "Chat Noir doesn't deserve a miraculous" I started. "I think so too." Tikki agreed. "I have a plan! I'm going to go to patrol and act all soft. Then, I'm going to snatch his miraculous and drop him home."

-Time Skip To Patrol-

"Hey Kitty!" I said smiling. "Hey Bugaboo." Chat Noir stated looking down. "What's wrong?" I asked knowing EXACTLY what was wrong. "My girlfriend broke up with me just because I confronted her about her lies." "Aww, that sucks. Come here." I hugged him and snatched his ring. "M- M'lady?" Adrien started.
"YOU DON'T DESERVE THIS RING IF YOU AREN'T GOING TO BE NICE TO CIVILIANS!" I shouted. "What are y-you talking about m-m'lady?" He says with tears in his eyes. "Marinette, told me what happened. I expected better than you Adrien." I then ended the conversation and swung home.

(Adrien's POV)

Marinette...Marinette...Plagg's gone. No more Chat Noir. Marinette's going to regret making me lose my job.

(No One's POV)
It was now the next day. Marinette will try to become Felix's friend. Even though he wasn't very talkative.

(Felix's POV)
I couldn't believe the look Adrien was giving Marinette as he walked in the door. Like he wanted to hurt her. My heart shattered at the way everyone wanted Marinette to Burn in Hell. Just because of a damn lie Lila manipulated them with.

"Hey Marinette." Adrien said with a horrible look. "I need to talk to you in the locker room." "Uh yeah sure, I'll be right back" she said smiling at me.

"Listen, "Princess."

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