Best Chum

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It was in our sophomore year,

when we first met each other.

To me, you're just a stranger

seated genially on an armchair.

We were seated near permanently.

Yet, I didn't took effort to know you better.

I often ignored and pushed you away

because you're a gentleman and I'm a lady.

Most of our classmates became your friends.

That made me wonder and caused me to ponder:

"Maybe, he's good and nice person to be with.

I'll give him and myself a chance for friendship."

I would've known the joy in your company,

If I'd kept the door for friendship closed.

I never thought this time would come,

when you become my best chum.

Chum, thank you for everything you did.

Thank you for being my best friend.

So glad and grateful that I have you

Yesterday, today and tomorrow.

All about FriendshipDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora