"Tch. I'll go check on her." Juzo was about to walk away. "And draw suspicion upon you too?" Kyoko asked. "What?" He turned towards the detective. "We must stay away from her, for now at least." Kirigiri stated. "I think she's right." Makoto spoke up. "We're the only ones who can help her right now. It's better if we take a step away from her, just to remove unnecessary suspicion." He sighed.
    "Sakakura-san! (Your name) has gone missing!" Hiro ran inside the office. "She's. . . Busy right now." Juzo looked onto the floor. "Is everything okay?" Subordinate grew worried. "Yes, better don't touch her right now." Sakakura lied. "O-okay!" Hiro left the room without further questioning. "Her sbordinate?" Kirigiri asked. "Yes. Those guys are attached to her like ducklings to mom duck." Juzo smirked. "Hmm. . ." Kyoko hummed, deep in thought. "Don't you say that you suspect them too?!" Ryoto snapped. "No. I believe that (Your name) is a great leader. She chose the best team, they listen to her every word without any doubt. It's unlikely that they'll go against her will." Detective muttered.

    "How can we help?" Makoto asked. "Search her room and office." She ordered. "But we did it already, like third time already." Juzo protested. "No, you didn't search it properly." She grumbled. "Let's go guys." Ryoto walked away.
    Three guys walked down the spacious corridor towards (Your name)'s office, an uncomfortable silence surrounded them. "I just don't understand!" Exclamed Ryoto. "(Your name) is definitely not a traitor, I'm sure Kyoko knows that. But then, why did she told Munakata that (Last name) is acting strange?" He rubbed his head. "I agree. Sugar wouldn't hurt a fly, but she can be too naïve at times. That's the reason Kirigiri is so cautious around her, (Your name) can be manipulated quite easily." Juzo grunted. "So what you're saying is, Kyoko thinks that (Your name) is being used by remnants?!" Makoto gasped. "Most likely." Sakakura nodded as he swung open the door.

    Three men entered the small white office. "Hey Kibo!" Mitarai patted fluffy dog's head. "I'll see the desk, Makoto, look at the bookshelf, Ryoto, you search the area around sofa." Juzo ordered as he started opening the drawers one by one. "Hmm. . . I wonder what can she hide?" Makoto hummed. "I'm sure that she got no secrets from future foundation." Ryoto sighed as he looked under the sofa.
    "What's that?" Juzo asked nobody in particular as he found a notebook that was attached to the bottom of the desk. "My personal journal." He read out a loud. "What did you find?" Makoto and Ryoto walked towards him. "Someone's journal." He kept the notebook onto the desk. "That's not (Your name)'s handwriting." Ryoto said as he skipped through some pages. "Could it be the previous director's journal?" Makoto suggested. "Perhaps." Juzo shrugged. "We must give it to Kyoko." Naegi said as he picked up the notebook. "We won't find anything useful here. . . Let's go." Three guys walked away closing the door behind.

     "Interesting." Kyoko mumbled as she inspected the journal. Afterwards she kept the notebook on the table and sighed. "Just as I thought." Kirigiri mumbled. "What's wrong?" Makoto asked nervously. "This notebook only proves how dangerous (Your name) can be. That remnant, Nagito, she keeps in touch with him. Even now." She stood up and walked away. "We better follow her." Juzo huffed as he walked out, others followed him.
    "May I help you miss?" One of the guards stopped the group near the cell. "I'm Kyoko Kirigiri, director of 14th division. I need to talk to (Your name) (Last name)." Detective said curtly. "I'm sorry miss, but no one is allowed to visit miss (Last name). It was the order of Munakata Kyosuke." "Let them in." Everyone turned behind to see the tall white haired man. "Y-yes s-sir!" Guard opened the door for them to enter.

    "She had been acting aggressive lately, please be careful." Warned the guard as he opened the cell. Kyosuke along with Kyoko entered the dim lighten prison as the door locked behind them. "(Last name)." Munakata spoke coldly. "We may spare your life if you accept your guilt and help us destroy despair." Kyosuke finished. "I haven't done anything. . ." (Your name) mumbled, her voice grew hoarse. "My job is to protect remnants and find peaceful solution, but it looks like none of you want that to happen." She chuckled bitterly. "You betrayed the foundation-" "I didn't!" She shouted back.
    "She doesn't realizes it, sir." Kyoko stepped in. "Because she is used by one remnant." Kirigiri stated. "What do you mean?" Kyosuke looked at the detective. "She is just an oblivious information giver." Kirigiri looked at (Your name)'s sitting form. "Who is using her?" Munakata shifted his gaze upon the prisoner. "I haven't figured it out yet. But we might get major clues if we let her go." Kyoko looked away. "How will it help us?" He asked. "You'll see." Kirigiri smirked slightly. "I hope what you say is true." Munakata grumbled as he knocked thrice on the iron door. Soon the guard opened the door and Kyosuke ordered to release (Your name).

    "Before that, can I search her?" Kirigiri asked. "Do as you please." Kyosuke sighed and walked away. "Stand up." Detective ordered coldly. "Whatever." (Your name) stood up. Kyoko started searching every single pocket of (Last name)'s clothes in search of something. After good five minutes of search she sighed and took a step back. "Where is it?" She asked coldly. "What?" (Your name) asked.
"Where is your phone?" Detective muttered. "Here." The former prisoner took out her phone. "Not this one, the one you're using to communicate with remnants." Kyoko said. "I think its none of your business." (Your name) started walking towards the exit as detective grabbed her hand. "I'm not your enemy. You must believe me." Kirigiri sighed and let her go.

☆ ° • (Your name) P.O.V • ° ☆

    I walked out and headed towards the elevator. As I pressed the button the elevator doors closed and I could release the breath I held.

Believe her?! After what she did?!
She accused me for no apparent reason and now, she wants me to believe her?!

    "Like hell I'll do that." I muttered as the elevator stopped on third floor. When I was about to walk out I was tackled to the ground by some young man. "Miss, (Your name)!" Hiro exclamed as Mikasa pulled him away from me. "Where were you, miss?" She asked worry clear in her voice. "Sorry guys. I had some business I had to attend." I shrugged it off. "If something is wrong then please tell us." Was Mikasa's last words as I walked away. "Don't worry, I will." I murmured under my breath.
    When I opened my office door I was tackled once again, this time by Kiboinu. "Hey bud." I smiled as he licked my face. "Lemme give you something." I stood up and opened a cupboard. I took out some doggy biscuits and gave them to the doggo.

    I sat down on my chair and took a deep breath.

Thank goodness I smashed the evidence in the parking lot.

    I smirked at my cleverness.

Nagito would be proud of me. . . I hope.

    Too sad I wouldn't be able to contact him anymore. I took out my laptop and noticed a bunch of unread emails. Opening one of them was a link on the map. No caption, no subject, even sender's email was weird. But I knew it. It was him.
I decided to meet him right away.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕙𝕠𝕡𝕖 𝕚𝕟 𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕖𝕪𝕖𝕤 (Nagito x reader)Where stories live. Discover now