Chapter 6

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    Two years passed. Two horrible, despair filled, terrible, despicable, distressing, messed up years! It was a complete disaster! Even St. Mary's Boarding School for Difficult Girls was better! Both of us came from class 77-B, therefore most people in foundation didn't trust us. We were signed up as interns, from day one everyone kept a close eye on both of us. Complete lack of privacy. That's how I can describe my first year in the future foundation.
    After we completed our trainings the following year we were selected in different branch offices, guess who was my boss? Right, Juzo! He had me run here and there for the whole fucking year! (Your name), will you be a dear and bring me a cup of coffee? (Your name), please hand me those papers. (Your name), I lost my keys. (Your name)! (Your name), (YOUR NAME)!
The only thing that kept me going was Nagito's request. And finally, right now, I will get my badge as the complete member of the Future Fucking Foundation! "Miss (Last name), please follow me." I heard the secretary say. We went towards the chairman's office. The secretary knocked on the door and opened it for me.

    "Good day, young lady!" I heard the old man say. "Greetings." I spoke. "Please, have a seat. No need to tension up so much." He chuckled. I did what he asked and sat on one of the chairs. "I'm actually quite thrilled to meet and talk to you in person." He smiled. "Really? Why?" I squinted my eyes. "Ha, ha! No need to be suspicious! You're the only one who made contact with remnants and managed to survive." Suddenly the cheerful atmosphere was gone. Nagito's image flashed in my mind.

How do they know?!

    "I don't know what are you talking about." I lied. "I'm talking about the encounter you had just before you arrived at the meeting place, on the day one." The old man spoke. "You're talking about Akane and Nekomaru?" I inquired. "Precisely. How you and your friend managed to escape those dreadful killing machines?" "Don't talk like that about them!" I grunted and clenched my fists. "I- I'm sorry sir." I snapped back to my goody two shoes self. "Haven't Ryoto said enough?" I grumbled. "No, he didn't mentioned how exactly you were wounded. He said you sprained your ankle while running. But still, you managed to escape." The chairman said.
    "It's not what happened, we were chased to the park, and there was this steep slope. I didn't stop in time and was about to fall untill Nekomaru saved me. I sprained my ankle when I was about to fall. He lied." I looked away. "What happened next?" The old man pressed on. "Nekomaru took Akane and left." I finished. "So simply? Spared your lives and left?" He rubbed his chin. "Crazy, I know. But that's the truth." I sighed.

    "Alright, let's come back to the main topic. I wanted to give you the position of Director of 15th division branch from the very beginning, but, others disagreed with my decision." He sighed. "15th division? Weren't there only fourteen?" I asked. "It's a secret division. It is responsible for investigating the case of remnants. Searching information about them, figuring ways to stop them, looking for their motives. I guess you understand what I mean." He said. "You want me to snitch on my classmates?" I smirked sadly. "Not snitch, it's in your interest anyway. If you won't do the job, I'll have to ask our people to take them down." He shrugged. "Take them down?" I shivered at the thought. "No need! I'll find an alternative!" I jumped up from my seat.
    "Kizakura did a good job scouting you both." The chairman smiled. "Kizakura? Koichi Kizakura? My former homeroom teacher?!" My eyes widened. "Yes, the one you yelled to go home and get sober on the first day of school." He chuckled. "Oh god. . ." I gasped. "Don't worry, he doesn't hold grudges." Old man smiled.

    "Now, 15th division. As I said before, it's a complete secret. So everyone is informed that you'll be vice director of 6th division. The only people that know about this division existance is you, Munakata Kyosuke, Juzo Sakakura and me. We will assign you thirty well trained militias, they will work under your command. If you require any equipment, ask Juzo. Any new information, tell Munakata. Here's your fake badge, here's the original. And, here's the key to your office." He handed me two metal badges and a key. "Thank you, sir. I won't let you down!" I smiled and picked up the items. "I hope so. Goodbye for now miss." He smiled. "Goodbye!" I bowed and walked out of the office.
    My suffering under Juzo's shoe ended, but I still must pretend to work with him. And now, all the lives of my classmates are depending on me. I must be spying on both sides.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕙𝕠𝕡𝕖 𝕚𝕟 𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕖𝕪𝕖𝕤 (Nagito x reader)Where stories live. Discover now