Chapter 11

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"Aha. . . Hahaha. . . Hahahahahaha!" I laughed. "Nice joke Munakata." I patted his shoulder. "Get her." He ordered as Juzo cuffed my hands. "Sorry sugar." Sakakura muttered under his breath. "It's a very bad joke." I groaned. "It is not a joke, you'll be imprisoned until we find solid evidence of your innocence." Kirigiri said. "Let's go." Juzo led me to the elevator. "Wait WHAT?! WHAT THE FUCK?! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MINDS?! LET GO!" I yelled and tried to escape from Juzo's grip.
    "Juzo, shut her up." Kyosuke ordered strictly. "Yes." Sakakura raised his fist and punched me in my face. Right at that moment I took my phone out and tossed it under the trash can. Nobody noticed it, good. My nose started bleeding, I looked at the concrete floor as my blood dripped down. "I'm sorry." He muttered again. "Fuck you." I spat.

    I was sent into lonely shabby room with one small vent in the corner. The room was almost empty except for one shabby looking bed and a chair. "I know you're innoce-" "Fuck off, puss-puss." I growled making Juzo shut his mouth immediately. He removed the cold handcuffs and walked away closing the iron door behind him.

What is going on?!

    I sat in complete silence trying to process what is going on. Few minutes later passed like many days and the door finally opened. "Mr. Munakata is ready for interrogation." One guard announced. "Please raise your hands." I did what I was asked and stretched my hands out. The guard locked the iron handcuffs onto my wrists and led me outside into the vast room. Munakata sat behind an old table. I was forced to sit before him. "Let's get down to business, I-" He stopped mid-sentence as he saw my bleeding nostril. "Chisa, please help her." He asked politely.
    "Wait. . . Chisa?" My face expressed true horror as a familiar red haired woman came towards me. "You. . . You!" I yelled as I pinned her down to the ground. "Yukizume!" Kyosuke kicked me away from her and helped her to stand up. "She- She's the helper of ultimate despair!" I yelled pointing at my ex-teacher. "What are you talking about?" She played dumb. "Junko, she brainwashed you! I saw. You backstabed Chiaki! You're the one who lured my friends into despair!" I continued shouting as tears ran down my cheeks.

    "Kyosuke, dear, I don't understand what she's talking about." Chisa frowned and wiped her single tear. "Guards! Bring her back to the cell, we'll talk later." He growled as few guards pushed me away. I was sent back to my empty prison. I plopped on the bed staring into the blank wall. My ex-teacher, the helper of Junko, who was brainwashed and brought all of her students into despair. The one who led Chiaki to her death. Chiaki. . . Nagito. . . Hajime. . . How much I miss them. I tried to muffle my cries by the not-so-fluffy pillow.

×/_ 3rd person P.O.V_ /×

At the same point of time somewhere in the Kyoko's office. . .

   "I don't understand! Why do you think (Your name) is the traitor?" Makoto yelped looking at his calm friend. "I don't think she's the traitor." Kirigiri stated. "Then why did you told about your suspicion to Munakata-san?" Ryoto stepped in. "He must know if something fishy is going on." She said. "Can you please explain what is this fuss?! I was sitting peacefully at my office until. BAM! Kyosuke calls me and asks to come apprehend (Your name)." Juzo yelled.
    "Few days ago I noticed her obvious lie in the story about her getting stabbed." Kirigiri started. "She was hiding one interesting remnant, Nagito, to be precise. I searched for information about him, according to rumors they were in good relations with each other. Too bad when your close friend and lover (perhaps) is a remnant of despair, plus suffers from Frontotemporal Dementia. While searching through her room I found a notebook with all her plans and schemes written out. There's nothing suspicious, but every second line is about saving Nagito." Kyoko took a breath in. "According to my suspicion he's using her as a great source of secured information." She stated.
    "Any proof?" Juzo asked. "Komaeda made the previous director of 15th division recommend (Your name) as a useful member. Then killed the unnecessary witness and made (Last name) take his position." She said. "What if he did it for love?" Makoto inquired. "All this? For love? If he wanted to give her better life he could've simply taken her with him and protected her." Kyoko sighed. "So what are you saying is. . . Nagito is the true culprit?" Juzo hummed.
"Let's go inform Munakata-san!" Ryoto was about to run away but Kirigiri stopped him. "Not so fast. We don't know if she's truly innocent." She said curtly. "But she is innocent! I knew her for almost three years now! She's rough, yes, but definitely not bad!" Ryoto stood up. "Still. Nagito might use our trust in her against us. Untill and unless I find a better solution we better leave the interrogation to Munakata." Kyoko sat down again.

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