Short-Lived Promise

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(A.n I've only seen the first 48 episodes of Fairytail so I don't know that many characters. If some characters act different or don't even exist in the manga but are here it's because I want them to fit a certain role in the story. I'm also making up/changing how they look because why not. I really should get back into Fairytail.)

Unknown Location

"Master Makarov! Master Makarov!" A lady shouted while running through the building.

"Hmm? What is it Mirajane?" A small elderly man asked. Other people of various looks and

"The Dragon Slayer's wall. It's acting up!" Mirajane said. The other adults began choking on their food and Makarov dropped his glass. Immediately him and a few other adults ran past the lady and down the hall.

In front of them was a wall with six different colored Fairies on it.  Blue, White, Yellow, Grey and Cyan were all normal, however it was the Black Fairy that was acting up. It was glowing and shifting in it's spot, as if it was in pain and hurt.

"That's Hisashi's fairy! He's in trouble!" An average height lady with long, spiky, black hair said. She turned to leave but an arm stopped her.

"Let me go Fullbuster!" The lady spoke.

"You aren't about to risk your life for that fool. He choose his side Redfox, and now he's paying the price." A tall man with a punch-able face said.

"Redfox, it's too late. We don't know where he is and even if you did you wouldn't be much help. If someone like him is struggling it'd be hard for you to make much difference." A smaller lady with long blue hair said. Her eyes were glued to the Black Fairy as it slowly began to fade. They all lowered their heads as the Black Fairy's movement came to a halt and began to fade from the wall, all except Fullbuster. He silently scoffed and looked elsewhere.

"No, no, no, no!" Redfox yelled punching another wall. Her fist turned to iron as she began punching the wall in a fit of rage. A pair of arms held her back as she continued to throw punches at the wall.

"Redfox I know how you feel. However there was nothing we could do." Makarov said. Redfox broke free and stomped out the room, causing the old man to sign.

"Thus ends the story of the banished Fairy." Mr. Fullbuster said. Him and 3 others, including Makarov, walked out the room. All that was left was a man with blonde hair and a black suit. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a cigarette. He lit it and raised it to the sky, giving a small prayer to his former guild member.

Placing his hands in his jacket pocket he turned and walked out the room. Unknown to him or anybody in the building was the small speck of black reforming on the wall. 

Mustafa, Japan 

All For One stepped through the portal, not knowing where it would take her. She did not expect to arrive Apple Bee's. All For One quickly jumped up and landed on the roof so that she wouldn't be seen.

"Apple Bee's, really?" All For One asked her sleeping daughter. She then jumped off the building and on to the next, repeating the steps until she arrived at Hisashi's house. She quickly opened the door and walked in, praying that nobody saw her. Then she took out her phone and dialed one of her contacts.

"Kurogiri are you available? I need you to watch over Izuku for me. Me? I'm fine, I'm just....going through some things. Make sure Izuku stays out of trouble." All For One said. "I'm at Hisashi's house."

A portal similar to Izuku's opened next to the pair as a man completely made of purple mist stepped out. He was dressed in a bartender's uniform and his eyes were bright yellow. All For One smiled and placed Izuku in her room, swiftly ripping the All Might poster off the wall. Feeling better she tucked her daughter into bed and gave her another soft kiss on her forehead. 

Quirk: All for One (Fem Deku) (Bnha X Fairytail)Where stories live. Discover now