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we will talk about the story after these important topics

TW- I'm using quotes from news sources this may be sensitive to Asian people So pls produced with cation ( no videos nor images will be shown)

let me make this very clear RACISM IS NOT OKAY and it will not be tolerated on MY platform. I don't have any other platform so I thought I couldn't do anything to help but then I remember that I have this platform so I'm gonna speak about it. I'm apologetic this not the first chapter of the story but, this stuff needs to be said. Along with Racism, Asian American hate crimes are not okay neither and will not be tolerated. Asain hate crimes have gone up to 150% that is a huge source of HUFF POST  this was updated 6 days ago. " "Get out of my country — that's an order!" he shouted from his pickup. After a pause, he added: "I'll kill you." THE FACT SOMEONE SAID THIS IS DISGUSTING!!!! I'm appalled this is America this is where everyone is supposed to be welcome!!!!! This is from the LOS ANGELES TIMES  and since the pandemic, the numbers have risen to 149% since 2019!!!!!!!!! Here are some more things from LOS ANGELES TIMES. "The totals climbed in 15 of the 16 cities, with New York, Los Angeles, Boston, Seattle, and San Jose experiencing the most significant increases and their highest tallies in at least five years.", "Chinese and Korean restaurants were vandalized with anti-Asian epithets and stereotypes — "Stop eating dogs," said the graffiti on a New York noodle shop.", " Elderly Asian Americans were shoved on the street in broad daylight.", and "  a Burmese refugee and his children were attacked by a man with a knife." TO THE F*****G PEOPLE WHO THINK THIS IS OKAY GET OF MY F*****G PAGE AND GET YOU S**T TOGETHER YOU M****R F*****G A******S THIS IS ABSOLUTE BS HONESTY DON'T CARE ABOUT THE OTHER THING I PLANED I AM SO DONE WITH YOU B******S THIS IS OVER ASIANS ARE NOT A F*****G VIRUS. hey guys- I'm back as soon as published it I was like this is not who I want to present myself as I still wanted to get my anger/point out there but oi cleaned it up a bit more as you can see I'm very angry but for a good reason so to close this off and yes I will go back to normal schedule if take your time to enjoy Asian culture, for example, anime and sushi I love both of these things you should take time out of your day to talk about it so we can raise awareness you don't have to make it long just do something like sign petitions, write about it, post a video, donate literally anything just don't be a bystander.


  the story

here is some important things to note

shadowsan is in the story ps. I don't ship him with anyone except carmen's mom since they are around the same age pls only ship them I think incest is disturbing and I don't want it here.

the 3 main protagonists adam, player, ash ages are Adam-18, Player-19, and Ash-19 

there will be some sensitive topics if there are I will put a  TW at the being

player does lose weight I'm thinking his original weight was 300 and current - 240 so that is 60 pounds gone and 20 of it will be because what happed with adam ( so technically canonically 5ft so he would range around fat/slightly obese because of his hight; he will get taller though close to 5'6.)

ash isn't gonna be in the story the entire time he will probably stay one of the main characters or become a secondary character.

adam's weight was - 200 now is- 300 same as player's starting (edit: also the thing is adam's tall so, he has an advantage, so technically he is overweight/fat.)

weight is gonna be one of the main factors so there is gonna be a TW for that and if you are struggling, avoid the chapters when it's heavily included.

and the final thing is that I'm gonna make fanart for it.

thanks for reading I know it is very long but 1 was needed to be talked about and the other was for fun.

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