Prologue - 2

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-"I don't know how you dragged me along to... Woaba Boba was it? I've never been here before." Seraphina commented, attempting at making small talk.

-"I doubt you've gone anywhere, since you feel such a responsibility to be as perfect as you can be." He said what is usually referred to as a back-handed compliment.

-"What's that supposed to mean?" Confused, she asked him to clarify... maybe a bit too aggressively, because the ravenette immediately turned tense, sat up straight, and apologized.

-"Sorry, Seraphina, I didn't mean it like that. I also don't know how I brought you along!" He said, rubbing the back of his head as a reflex. 'Come to think if it, I think I excused it for just being rebellious to my parents, but I think I was just soft towards John. As cheesy as it sounds, he's the first person to get me to think for myself. Although, I thought it was ironic that the one time I would celebrate something would be for something imperfect, an A-.'

-"Yo Seraphina, you there? You zoned out, the waiter came over and I had to ask to give us a minute, ya jerk." He joked, messing around with her. 'I wonder what she was thinking about that was so important it interrupted Boba Time?' He thought, poking fun at his favorite drink place.

-"Oh yeah, sorry, what did you say I should order?" She asked, awoken from her trance.

-"Mango Boba is a classic, and the one I recommended, which you would've heard if you were listening." He answered, making fun of of said magenta-haired girl.

-"Cool, I'll order that one then." she answered innocently, essentially ignoring what he had just said.

-"Ugh, you're impossble." He protested, slouching back against the booth seat. The girl laughed at that, and waited for their drinks to arrive.


-"Oooooh-ie! Mango was even better than I remember!" the black-haired boy exclaimed, as the two walked out of the building, stopping just outside the exit.

-"It was actually pretty good, John." She, said surprised. 'I thought he was exaggerating when he said these were the best drinks around! They were really good! He was right. I wouldn't tell that to him to his face, though.'

-"See? I told ya so!" He said, before pausing for a moment, thinking of what to say next.

"Hey, Seraphina, did you enjoy our little celebration?" He looked at her for approval, almost as if this was important to him. The girl seemed to want to joke, but John was serious. She smiled at him, a rare sight that most don't see.

-"I did John, it was a nice change of pace, and you helped me realize a few things along the way as well. Thank you." I could tell he appreciated this, as his face beamed with happiness and pride.

-"I'm glad you enjoyed it!" He said, almost completely back to normal now, almost.

"Hey, I was thinking, I really enjoyed doing the project with you, and despite all your attitude, snarky comments, destructive criticism, and condescending manner towards me, I feel you also warmed up to me by the end of the project. I was wondering if you would like to hang out more often, and I don't mean just going to Woaba Boba." By the end of that, Seraphina was dead silent, and most definitely a tad bit redder. John immediately noticed and rushed to provide an explanation.

-"No! I didn't mean it like that! I just want to be friends! I'm not very good at making them. Platonically though, you are most definitely prettier when you're put on the spot like that." He said. Although joking, the magenta-haired girl blushed a darker red, and turned her head away in embarrassment.

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