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Hi I'm Aquila..I'm gonna tell you about my experience of 'that night' which I can never forget in my entire life...

15 JUNE .....
8:00 pm......

I came from my work and that day was really tiring so I decided to eat something light and go to bed as fast as possible. After eating my dinner I did my night routine, when I stepped out of the bathroom..... breeze of cold air hit my whole body causing me to use my hands as a temporary blanket, then I realised that the window was wide I immediately closed it. Feeling a bit warm I went to my bed and placed myself under the cozy, warm blanket. The minute I closed my eyes I drifted into a deep slumber.


I slightly opend my eyes then watched the clock, and saw the time '12:00' I then again went back to sleep thinking that it might be the twig that is hitting the window because of the wind. But after that there was a louder knock this time which made me to sit up straight on my bed with my eyes wide open. The knocking was continuing I shifted my eyes towards the window but there was nothing except the leaves brushing towards the window, but then I realised that the knocking was coming from 'THE MIRROR' I slowly pulled off the blanket from my sweating body and walked tiptoe towards the mirror. Suddenly I saw a shiloute which made me flinch. Then that shiloute shifted his gaze towards me. His eyes were of blood red colour, his face was so mesmerizing that I didn't his hand coming towards me out of the mirror. Suddenly I felt something very cold touching my hand, when I looked down I shouted my lungs out, while trying to get rid of that hand when I shifted my gaze towards him, his face was fully opposite of what I saw a minute ago. He was telling me to come with him and was also saying that he was longing for me from years. I was shouting, crying, saying him to leave me. But his grip on me was getting more tightened by the time passing, I used my whole energy to get out of his grip but he was not giving up on me.... Because of so much stress I fainted. 

The next morning when I woke up I was on my bed under my blanket, but my body was on fire and I was sweating hard. Thinking about the scene that took place was it a dream or really it happened, but then I noticed some red marks on my left wrist. I was shocked to see that but then I thought that it might because of the watch not giving much attention to the mirror scene of last night.
Then I went near to the window to open it so that fresh air can come inside. Then I realised some house furniture loading truck infront of the house which was abondoned for almost 5 year, someone new has come to make it house again. After the truck went I was shocked and rooted in my place where I was standing after seeing the new owner of the house. He was the same man from ' THE MIRROR' that I saw last night. I was looking towards his direction with my eyes wide open due to shock but then he noticed me and smiled slightly and went towards his house.

I was so shocked to take in the reality that I sat under the window and just stared at the ceiling........... thinking "is it true or a dream...."


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