"Tony, I'm not sure this is a good idea," Riley began, not liking the idea of the two creating another walking, talking A.I.

"I believe it's worth a go," Jarvis agreed, making Tony smile slightly.

"I'm in a loop!" Bruce yelled out, his hands up in the air in anger as he did announced his emotions verbally, "I'm caught in a time loop. This is exactly where it all went wrong. Riley's right, this isn't a good idea."

"I know. I know. I know what everyone's gonna say. But they're already saying it," Tony agreed with Bruce slightly as he still tried to push him to agree with his idea, "We're mad scientists. We're monsters, buddy. We've gotta own it. Make a stand." Bruce let out a tired sigh, finally considering the billionaire's idea as he spoke up once again; "It's not a loop," he quoted what his friend said before, changing the words up to make it more positive, "It's the end of the line."

"Fine," Bruce finally agreed, sighing before answering. Tony clapped his hands and rubbed them together after patting his friend's shoulder. Riley didn't say much; the thought of the two scientists creating another A.I frightened them. They didn't want to have to deal with another fight against metal that could put their friends in harms way.

"You can stay in the lab and help if you want, but you better move out the way," Tony told them off playfully, swatting them aside so he could get to the Cradle. They did as he said, taking a few steps back. "So, are you staying in here?" Tony asked them again when they didn't respond, unsure where they were going.

"... Yeah, I'll stay here," Riley quickly nodded their head as they spoke, "as long as you don't annoy me and keep the jokes to a minimum."

"As you wish," Tony bowed slightly, a small smile on his lips as he did so. After this, Tony and Bruce got to work, occasionally asking Riley to hold something still or keep it beside them for later whenever the two men needed it. They enjoyed having something to do to keep themself occupied whilst not having to do much labour to achieve it.

Hours went by, the sky finally reaching the darkest shade of blue its been all day. Bruce and Tony were still hard at work, neither of them had spoken in awhile due to them concentrating. Tony was furiously clicking away on his keyboard hooked up to his computer as Riley handed Bruce a part they had been holding onto for a few minutes now.

"This framework is not compatible," Tony said with a frustrated sigh.

"The genetic coding tower is at 97%. You have got to upload that schematic in the next three minutes," Bruce ordered his friend, walking around the Cradle so his back was no longer facing Tony. An angry stomping could be heard, making Riley look up to see Steve and the two twins who were working with Ultron.

"I'm gonna say this once," he angrily told the three of them in the lab.

"How about none-ce?" Tony asked him, taking his concentration away from his keyboard.

"Shut it down!" Steve ordered them all.

"Nope, not gonna happen."

"You don't know what you're doing."

"And you do?" Bruce asked him, "She's not in your head?"

"Steve, you have to let them do this," Riley tried to calmly explain to Steve, not wanting to let their anger get the best of them like it may for the others.

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