Chapter 2: Yaoyorozu

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1 WEEK PREVIOUS to Prologue

"I can't believe you've already been asked to the Winter Formal Yao-momo! They only just announced it a couple of hours ago!" Mina Ashido was jumping up and down excitedly, a big grin on her face. Momo Yaoyorozu had a deep blush on her cheeks and a slight look of trepidation on her face.

"Well considering the last couple of years it makes sense the school would announce it with no warning and give very little preparation time for the event. Less likely any villains will be able to crash the party so to speak. Ribbit." Tsuyu Asui said thoughtfully.

"The third years have a winter formal every year, but honestly I'm surprised they are letting our year have one. We seem to be snake bit with every school event," Ochaco Uraraka added jumping on to Tsuyu's train of thought. Ochaco was sitting on the couch her legs drawn underneath her. She rested her head on Izuku Midoriya's shoulder watching him writing manically in a notebook on his lap. Tsuyu, who was seated next to Ochaco, gave her a questioning look. "Oh, Izuku is working on some ideas for security for the formal. He's ... uh... a little worried about it happening now. He thinks the event will be a target for some of the lingering Paranormal Liberation Front groups that still haven't been caught." Momo, Mina, Ochaco, and Tsuyu all stared at him. Midoriya seemed to not notice anything Ochaco was saying. He must have felt the lull in the conversation or all the eyes upon him, however, because he suddenly looked up.

"Oh, sorry guys, Just a little preoccupied." He glanced down at Ochaco, leaned towards her, and kissed her on the cheek. He then retreated back to his notebook. Ochaco looked at Tsuyu and shrugged.

"So I guess you two will obviously be going to the formal together. Ribbit" Tsuyu said to Ochaco.

"Yeah, but I think Izuku will probably be spending most of it patrolling the school grounds it seems!"

Mina grabbed Momo by the hand and pulled her over to sit on the couch. "So spill! What did you say to Awase?!! I can't believe he came over here to ask you so soon! On the porch in the moonlight! So romantic! I can just swoon!"

"Well, it was supposed to be a private conversation Mina. I can't believe you were eavesdropping. Pretty sure everyone in our class knows now," Momo started looking around at the different groups of teens in the living area. She was embarrassed.

There were a handful of students at the dining tables nearby. Across from the girls and Midoriya on the other side of the square mahogany coffee table was another large couch that had a group of kids half-heartedly listening to the present conversation. Denki Kaminari and Eijiro Kirishima were playing a game of cards and Katsuki Bakugo was seated at the end of the couch, his chin propped on his hand. He looked calm and passive. Momo had noticed him sitting there in that same position ever since she had returned from the porch after saying goodbye to Awase. It wasn't like Bakugo to be still and thoughtful for very long. He would usually be on his phone, reading a book, studying, or watching tv. He was even known to join in board games from time to time, much to the disappointment of most their classmates. He was very competitive even when it came to board games and almost always won.

"So Momo, what did you say to him?" Kirishima asked looking up from his hand of cards.

Momo sighed. "I told him I would think about it."

Kaminari flashed a mischievous grin, "And? What are you thinking?"

Momo looked down at her hands which held a hair tie she was absentmindedly tugging, "I don't know...."

"You guys need to quit bugging her," rang an annoyed, raspy voice. Everyone in the living area, including the distracted Midoriya, looked at Bakugo. He hadn't moved. He wasn't looking at anyone in particular when he spoke, his eyes were unfocused as if he was thinking about something else.

"We're not bugging her, Momo's always chill. We're not bugging you, are we Momo?" Kaminari asked, looking over at her. All eyes were on Momo. Normally she WAS very "chill." But she had not liked Mina blabbing about Awase. He obviously asked her in private for a reason. But she knew Mina cared for her and was just excited. So instead of being disagreeable, she just went along. Mina's intentions were good, however immature and boy-crazy she was.

"No, it's fine." Momo said giving Kaminari a reassuring smile.

"Well, if I were you, I'd make him wait a bit. You don't want to seem too eager!" Mina chimed in.

"Yeah, I think Awase's had a crush on you ever since the training camp our first year." Kaminari said bluntly. "It's kinda obvious..."

Bakugo suddenly stood up, his face neutral and his tone loud, but without its usual edge.

"Momo." He said looking at her.

"Yes, Bakugo?" she asked nervously.

He put his hands in his pockets and tilted his head slightly back. Midoriya winced. He had grown very accustomed to this stance of Bakugo's over the years and it usually didn't bode well. The pencil dropped out of his hand. No one had noticed, not even Ochaco, because all eyes were on Bakugo.

"I want to ask if you'll go to the Winter Formal with me. No pressure to answer. If you don't say anything to me I can take a hint. And if you want to, you can tell me in private later since these guys don't know how to respect people's privacy." Mina and Kaminari's jaws dropped. Midoriya gave a sigh of relief. Ochaco blinked a few times. A very weak sounding "Ribbit" was expressed. Momo was as still and silent as Aizawa-sensei which is an impressive feat. She stared at Bakugo. He nodded at her and turned away walking towards the stairway that led to the dorm rooms.

Kirishima stood up and followed Bakugo barking at his retreating back. "Dude! You just don't ask a girl out like that in front of a group, it's embarrassing!" By this time Kirishima's loud voice had attracted the attention of Tenya Iida, Hanto Sero, and Kyoka Jiro who had been sitting at one of the large dining tables adjacent to the couch area.

Bakugo turned on Kirishima, "No, what's embarrassing is you guys continuing to harass her about Awase. Momo doesn't want to talk about it, but she's too nice to say so. And you guys are too dense to pick up on her feelings. I asked her out in front of everyone because I'm not afraid if she rejects me. I'm not ashamed to hide my intent because Momo deserves that respect. I'm not someone skulking around her fearful of what people might think." Bakugo walked away, heading to his room for the night. Kirishima sat on the couch next to Kaminari.

"He has a point. That proposal was pretty manly," Kirishima said wistfully.

"Dude, Bakugo wanting to go to a formal event? A dance? That's crazy! Our little boy is growing up!" Kaminari said punching Kirishima lightly on the shoulder. Kyoka walked towards the couches. "Wait.... What just happened? Did Bakugo just ask Momo to the Winter Formal?" she asked, her eyes locking with Mina. Mina let out a huge squeal and ran over to Kyoka to tell her exactly what had happened.

"Well, all this yelling isn't good for our circadian rhythms! Everyone needs to just calm down! We won't be able to fall asleep with all this excitement and it's past 9!" Iida expressed loudly, his right arm gesturing up and down frenetically.

"Iida, you're the only one yelling now, chill bro," Sero said patting Iida on the back. Most the teens were all talking excitedly now, but no yelling, Iida made sure of it. Deku's eyes were looking down the hall where Bakugo had retreated, "Kacchan.... That was a bit of a surprise." he said quietly under his breath. Ochaco and Tsuyu however were quietly looking at Momo who had suddenly been forgotten by most of the other teens because of Bakugo's outburst.

"Ribbit, I think now is a good time to escape Yao-momo."

Ochaco smiled at Momo. Momo nodded at Tsuyu and went to her dorm room. None of the other teens noticed her departure.

"Bakugo did that in front of everyone to get them off of Momo's back, too, ribbit."

"Yeah, that might have been the main reason he did it publicly in the first place," Midoriya replied.

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