Part 1: Blow UP

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                                                          My Hero Academia Fan Fiction in 3 Parts

To understand the events leading up to this story it is best to be current with the manga up to Chapter 298 (Finished with the Paranormal Liberation War Arc) This means SPOILERS ABOUND if you are not current up to Chapter 298! You've been warned!


"Awwww come on man, how much farther is it? My feet hurt...." Kaminari said in a long whine. He was walking behind Bakugo, reluctantly dragging his feet.

"I didn't even invite you! You can go back to the dorms if you want!" Bakugo barked back at him. He quickened his pace leaving Kaminari to walk faster to keep up and unfortunately to whine more.

Bakugo spotted the sign of the shop he was looking for ahead. As they entered the Florist shop, Kaminari sighed. "This is the third shop, man. Please, just pick something.... Anything...."

Bakugo went straight to the counter and immediately started to bark orders at the poor elderly woman who looked like she had been taking a nap before they had entered.

"Do you have any orchids? Sub-genus Phalaenopsis. Species Aphrodite." Bakugo's tone was impatient but he waited for the little woman to answer. She seemed taken aback by his question and took her time to gather her thoughts and reply. "Well honey.... Let me think a moment. Ah yes, I do have some Phalaenopsis." She motioned for the two boys to follow her. "I have two different plants right over here."

Bakugo glanced at the plants and then turned back to the elderly, frail woman with a smug look on his face.

"No, these aren't what I asked for. These are Species Amabilis. Their petals are fatter and more rounded than Aphrodite. Look lady, don't waste my time, do you have them or not?"

"My, my. Aren't you a regular anthophile? Let me call my cousin. She has a shop out west and may have had better luck getting that species," The little woman waddled back to the counter.

"Dude, she called you an ant lover," Kaminari giggled under his breath.

"No, you idiot. An anthophile is someone who loves flower, not ants," Bakugo sneered. He walked up to the counter and leaned against it and sighed.

"I don't know why you're being so picky. I just told the lady back at the first shop Kyoka's favorite colors. Black and Purple. And then told the florist lady to make the wrist thingy however she wanted." Kaminari said matter-of-factly.

"So. You and Kyoka, then? Took you guys long enough," Bakugo said, a smile playing on his lips.

"Dude, Kyoka can't stand me half the time. We're just going as friends. Like we do to almost everything." Kaminari said as he fiddled with the fronds of a fern that was sitting on the counter by the register.

Bakugo chuckled under his breath, "You really are an idiot."

Before Kaminari could say anything back to Bakugo, the elderly florist had finished her call.

"So, my cousin does have some. She is going to send me 3 plants so you can choose which one you like the best. They will be here in 4 days. Does that work?"

Bakugo nodded.

"Lady, is that a 'for sure' time frame? Because this guy will likely burn your shop to the ground if he comes back and there are no phaliopsis afro thingies," Kaminari asked with real concern in his voice.

The elderly woman gave a knowing smile. "I don't think the hero Dynamight would ever do such a thing." Defying her tiny, frail frame, the woman reached over the counter and pinched Bakugo's right cheek. He immediately started to turn red and his cheeks began to puff out in anger.

Kaminari grabbed him by the elbow and immediately started pulling him towards the front door.

"Thanks ma'am! Oh... do you do the flower wrist thingies?" Kaminari asked still pulling a fuming Bakugo behind him.

"Yes, hun, we make wrist corsages."

"Yeah, can you make the phalopis afro thing one of those?" Kaminari bellowed out as they exited.

"Of course! Anything for Dynamight!" the elderly woman said to the retreating boys as she waved goodbye.

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