°°°°CHAPTER 6°°°°

688 19 1

Third Person POV.

Amanda jolted Up Warts AS she Looks around and found herselt in a familiär Environment the Salvator Boarding house AS the remberd what happend then she stood Up and scremed for Bonnie AS the Fell on the Floor and cried
Just AS Stefan came and hugged her she pushes him Back and she Started Just when she wanted to qustion him Damon and Bonnie came through the door
Amanda Got Up and hugged her sister Like there was No tomorrow AS Bonnie hugged her AS the all Sat down Damon was the First to qustion Amanda on how she knew Klaus Amanda
Had explained that she didnt know that this Klaus and her Nik where the Same Just Amanda asked Stefan If she could and He agreed so for the Rest of the night there conversed and schemed plans but the have to wait for the Others and Till tomorrow Amanda Kisses Bonnie in the fore head and went away with Stefan who showed her new room she ashed Stefan over and over again of IT was okay for her to stay AS He laughed and Said it was okay for her to stay and closed

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