Chapter 4

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Leaves crunching underneath my footsteps, and the cool wind in my hair and skin. It is almost eleven o'clock at night and I am running around town. I have always been a runner, ever since I was little. I would run from my arguing parents, and when I started to cry because of bullies I would run. Running clears my head, and besides drawing it is one of the only things that can. I take deep breaths and release them every other time my right foot hit the ground. The street lights are glaring in my eyes, but I don't mind it; I'm used to it.

Tonight I am running because after dinner, I got a text from someone that I have not talked to in almost a year. Adryan. Adryan was the first and only boyfriend I have ever had. We dated from the beginning of eighth grade until the middle of our sophomore year. He had moved out of the state that summer but we decided to try long distance, and it was good until I tried to surprise him, by visiting him, and found out that he had been cheating on me since the first week he was at his new school. I was devastated, I really did love him and I thought that he loved me too, but apparently not. I cried for weeks, I thought my life was over. I had him in my life for so long I did not know how to live without him. Without the walks we would take in the middle of the night, without the dates at the dinner, and the hours that we would just talk to each other, or the time we would spend time at the park.

Then today, he decides that he misses me and he is coming back into town. I thought I was finally over him, but now I really don't know. At first my heart felt cold, I was mad that he made me hurt for so long, and then he just decided that he could waltz right into my life. I thought that he make me hurt so he just needed to get over me and forget about ever seeing me again. Now though I feel like I really do miss him, and I just want him to come back and hold me for hours.

He said that he would be back next week. I didn't respond because I have no idea what to say, that is why I went running to clear my head. I think I am going to tell him that I have missed him and I am excited to see him. But what if it doesn't work out, what if he breaks my heart again. What if. I really hate those two words, maybe everyone does, but I can't think about the what if's. There is already so much to worry about, I cant waste my time worrying about what might happen next, or I just might go crazy. I need to focus on what is happening right now.

I knock the oak stained wooden door of the two story red house twice. "Ez! Hey come on in." Vic says as she opens the door and gives me a quick hug. It is midday and I just got off of work, the party doesn't start until eight so we have about two hours to chill until then. I am still in a red t-shirt and some black leggings from babysitting, but I brought a bag with clothes to change into and some makeup.

"Hey Vic, how was work?" I ask as I close the door.

"It was good" she says with a smile. I look over to the left and see Mika setting in Jacks lap while she rakes her finger through Jacks light brown fluffy hair, she is wearing a tight red mini-dress and her red-brown hear is in a tight bun with a bunch of short pieces hanging out. She looks at me and gives me the same look she always does. You know the one of pure hate. Jack looks over and nods in a greeting which I can tell only makes Mika more mad, I smile back as Victoria leads me up the stairs.

"Ok, so something happened last night and I need to ask you what you think about it," I say to Vic as she hops on her huge queen size bed with a puffy white duvet, and I sit my backpack by the door.

"Ok, what happened?" She asks, tipping her head over making her red ponytail swoosh to one side of her head. I explain everything that happened with Adryan and tell her about how he dated.

"Wow, that is complicated," She says after I finish telling her everything, "but I think that if you really do think that he regrets cheating," which I think he does regret it, "and when he gets here he is says he is sorry, then I think that y'all could be happy together. It might be difficult with long distance but I think if y'all really care about each other then it will all work out." I am so relieved that I let out a breath, and now I honestly feel really good about Adryan coming back.

"I noticed that you have not posted anything on your new insta yet, what's up?" Vic asks.

"I haven't posted anything yet because I am not good at taking pictures yet," I say a little embarrassed. Vic giggles a little.

"If you brought your notebook then I can help you take some cool picture and you can just save them to your drafts, and post them whenever you feel like it." Vic replies.

"Actually that would be great." I say as I get my phone and notebook out of my bag. We take a bunch of really good pictures then we get ready for the party. I change into a deep sea blue mini-dress with a large V-neckline that I bought with a little money that I had been saving from babysitting, and nude high heels, Vic does my makeup and straightens my hair. For once in a really long time I truly feel pretty.

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