Chapter 26 - Saving A Duke's Daughter

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The time had come to take a group of recruits to another world to get them some field experience about how the UNSC operates. As Y/n was waiting near a ship at the loading dock he was going over a list of names that would be with him for the next few weeks.

 As Y/n was waiting near a ship at the loading dock he was going over a list of names that would be with him for the next few weeks

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Y/n sighed as he saw four teams would be accompanying him to different planets to get more alliances around the universes.

Connor : "Y/n I hope the day finds you well"

Y/n looked up to see his fellow Assassin Conner standing there but also there was his dad Ezio.

Y/n : "dad, Connor what are you both doing here"

Ezio : "since most the others only have one or two groups with them James thought you could use with extra hands"

Connor : "so what groups are we working with"

Y/n passed them the list and they began reading it.

Connor : "I see the novice is coming along"

Ezio : "yes it seems we dont need to worry at much"

Y/n : "its group three that's going to cause trouble"


After waiting for a bit longer the groups finally showed up with their things packed.

Y/n : "now that everyone's here, as you've all been told this is to gain you experience on how the UNSC does things. You'll be taking your orders from me, Ezio and Connor, so not draw your weapon unless we've said it's ok to do so. And for the four perverts if I catch you trying to sneak a peak on anyone I'll break every every bone in your body....understood"

As everyone nodded they all began to pick up there things.

Y/n : "and another thing...Zero Two, do not steal my cloths again"

Y/n looked at Zero Two who had stolen his cloths once making him chance her around the base wearing a he looked serious she just gave a smirk.

as he looked serious she just gave a smirk

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Zero Two : "no promises"

Y/m growled slightly as he know exactly what that meant.

Y/n : "ok just get on the ship now"


As they were finally making their way to one of the many planets Y/n was currently in his room looking through something when a knock at his door got his attention.

Y/n : "come in"

Y/n looked up to see that Setsuna was standing there.

Y/n : "can I help you Setsuna"

Setsuna : "I have a request sir...."

Y/n : "a request?"

Setsuna : "yes...I wish to join the Brotherhood of Assassin's"


Y/n let out a sighed.

Y/n : "and tell me why you want to join"

Setsuna : "revenge"

Y/n thought about it for a minute, he had read all of their files and saw her as well, he know why she wanted revenge but the path she's going is a dangerous one.

Y/n : "very well Setsuna, impress me enough on this trip and I'll consider adding you to our ranks"

After agreeing Setsuna left while Y/n got back to his work.

Connor : "that path she is going down is a dangerous one"

Y/n : "yes I'm aware"

Y/n looked to see Connor and Ezio standing there.

Y/n : "let's hope she realizes that before it's to late"


It has been a few days since the left the UNSC Headquarters and they had gotten to their first planet, after landing the ship on a open field and cloaking In in camouflage everyone had gotten out.

Y/n : "ok so were here, keep your weapons hidden from sight we cant go around scaring everyone we see"

Issei : "why did we get stuck with you, I wanted to be with that hot Assassin chick"

Y/n : "Zip it hyoudou, what's done is done so stop complaining"

As they all began walking through the forest Connor who was in the tree getting a vantage point noticed something...

Conner : "Y/n it appears there's a battle going on up ahead"

Y/n : "damn it, no one interfere in this dad you and Connor are with me. Let's try not killing anyone unless necessary and Zero Two"

Zero Two : "yeah"

Y/n : "I want you to watch as your still just a novice"

3rd Person P.O.V

Making their way back home a small carriage carrying a young girl called
Sushie Ernea Ortlinde and her butler Leim. But they were ambushed by bandits wanting to kidnapping Suchie most likely for a ransom of her father Duke Alfred Ernes Ortlinde younger brother of the King.

But as the bandits were attacking the guards that were escorting the carriage smoke began to cover up the area.

Bandit1 : "what the hell is going....Ahhhh"

One by one the guards along with Sushi and Leim saw the bandits get pulled by something into the smoke.

Sushi : "Leim what's going on out there"

Leim : "I can't tell my lady"

As the smoke cleared only one bandit remaind.

Bandit : "that's it screw the ransom"

The bandit fired an arrow at Sushie...but the arrow never reached his target as everyone was surprised to see a man in white armor had simply cought the arrow.

Y/n : "really...shooting her with an arrow....really"

As the bandit tried running away he got coughed in a trap laid out by Connor.

Conner : "sorry but your not going anywhere"

As the others from the UNSC came out of hiding the guards had approached Y/n and the others.

Gaurd1 : "you saved our lives back there thank you"

Y/n : "do you know why they attacked you"

As the guards were talking with Y/n a man along with a small girl arrived.

Leim : "forgive the delayed introduction, my name is Leim and I am honored to call me self a butler in service for good Duke Ortlinde. And the young lady before you is the dukes own daughter Lady Sushie Ernea Ortlinde"

Sue : "forgive my dear butler for being so formal, please to meet you call me Sue. I won't talk down to someone I owe my life to"

Leim : "I know this is asking much as you've done so much for us but I must ask you to escort us to the capital. Lady Sushi has been targeted and we dont have the means to defend ourselfs"

Y/n looked at Connor and Ezio who both nodded.

Y/n : "we'll make sure you get to the Capitol"

Sue : "very well then let's be on our way"

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