F i f t e e n

886 30 14

Lorna looked in the mirror. 


Green hair. 

Green eyes. 

Green clothes. 

And surprisingly her favourite colour used to be blue. 

Hey eyes moved to the shiny new headband resting at the top of her forehead. 

It glittered dark green, almost black. Matching her completely. 

She turns away from the mirror, leaving the dark, empty room shutting the door behind her. Also blinded by how much lighter the complex was than her little dark room. 

It has been months since Sokovia. Since losing Pietro. The official mourning period has been over for a while as was Shiva.  

But the pain never stopped. It never got easier. Thinking about Pietro, his smile. Always made Lorna’s heart hurt. 

There was a lot of training going on, especially with the moving the Avengers compound from busy Manhattan, where it used to reside inside of the former Stark Industries tower to the quieter space in upstate New York. There was a lot of people buzzing about. But Lorna didn’t associate with them, rather, choosing to focus on her own training before starting with Steve which was due to start later today. 

Her relationship with Lorna was straining. With the loss of their third member, Lorna couldn’t find anything to speak to Wanda about, unless it was about Pietro and missing him. And it seemed Wanda had an issue with it as well. 

Well, there was still an important conversation the sisters needed to have. 

Lorna wandered the complex, until she found a room with her sister in it. In a new red jacket and suit. She looked beautiful. Lorna felt proud for her sister. 

Though she couldn’t verbalise it too well. 

Wanda was pacing the room, her eyebrows furrowed, somehow not noticing Lorna lurking by the doorway. 

“Thinking hard sister?” Lorna asks, making Wanda jump from surprise. Her face melting from one of worry to one of love.  

She misses her sister. She hates what’s become of them. Picking the pieces of their own broken hearts – to lost in their own grief and loss to even communicate. 

“Lorna, you gave me a fright.” Wanda says earning a chuckle from Lorna. 

“What were you thinking so hard about? I could hear the gears ticking away in your head.” Lorna jokes and Wanda takes a deep breath, looking pale. Lorna started to worry as Wanda takes a seat, looking like she had shaky legs. She pats the seat next to her, beckoning Lorna to take a seat with her, which Lorna hesitantly walks over and sits next to her sister. Whose uncharacteristic behaviour was making worry niggle at Lorna’s brain. 

“I’m starting to worry sister.” Lorna says, trying to lighten the mood. 

“I need to tell you something.” Light mood gone. 

“Wh . . . what is it?” Lorna asks. Voice cracking on the first syllable. She hated serious talks. Her mind always jumped to the worst-case scenario. But her worst-case scenario already happened. So, Lorna was left wracking her mind trying to figure out what it could be. So lost in her own mind, Lorna almost missed what was said by her sister. Thinking about the words she said, she still thinks she misheard. 

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