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The triplets enter the lab with the Captain just as they overhear the start of the conversation.

"The genetic coding tower's at ninety-seven percent. You have got to upload that schematic in the next three minutes."

"I'm gonna say this once." Steve says, Lorna only learning his first name on the trip over.

"How about 'nonce'?" Was Stark's reply. Lorna rolls her eyes, 'always a smartass that one.' Lorna thinks.

"Shut it down!" Steve says forcefully.

"Nope, not gonna happen." Lorna was getting frustrated.

"You don't know what you're doing." The Captain says.

"And you do? She's not in your head?" Rebuts the doctor that turns into a murderous green creature. Lorna really needed to pay attention to their names.

"I know you're angry." Wanda tries to mediate but the doctor cuts her off.

"Oh, we're way past that. I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade." Lorna's eyebrows furrowed as she steps in front of her sister.
"Touch her, I kill you." The doctor glares at her.

Steve lowers his voice from anger. "Banner, after everything that's happened . . ."

"That's nothing compared to what's coming!" Tony shouts and Lorna was losing her mind at how frustrating everyone was being.

"You don't know what's in there!" Wanda cries out.

"This isn't a game. . ." Lorna's head was swinging back and forth like a tennis game when everyone replied. By the frustrated look on Pietro's face he was at his wits end also.

"The creature. . . !" Wanda shouts, but no one was listening to her. Apart from her siblings. 

With a sigh, Pietro disappears in a flash, leaving a silverish blue trail behind him has he destroys the lab equipment and dislodging the tubes keeping the cradle function.

"No, no. Go on. You were saying?" He says the to doctors who were glaring at him in shock when all of a sudden the glass floor gives out and he falls through.

"Pietro!" Wanda and Lorna cry in unison as they run to see if their brother was okay.

"What? You didn't see that coming?" Asks the archer making Lorna’s blood boil. About to use her powers until Steve throws his shield andStark uses his glove to shoot at Steve. And all out fight has erupted between the two and as Wanda was about to use her power, Bruce had wrapped his hand around her.

"Go ahead, piss me off."

"Let her go Mr Anger Management!" Lorna shouts, readying her magnetic energy pulses to throw at him.

Just as Wanda uses her own power to knock him back the same time Lorna throws hers, green and red mix together as they throw the doctor back.

Just as the fighting was getting more serious, Thor enters unannounced, landing on the cradle. Lifting his hammer to conduct the lightning, he pounds the cradle with his hammer, sending a powerful bolt of lightning, giving the cradle too much power, it overloads.

"Wait!" Bruce cries out as Thor does this.

For a second nothing happens, but then the cradle explodes, knocking everybody back as a reddish creature emerges. Wanda looks shocked for a second and intrigued until he launches himself at Thor who throws him through a glass pane. They all rush to see what he would do, but find him looking at the city through the large windows of Stark Tower. He turns away as clothes materialise on him.
Everyone comes closer and Lorna and Wanda move off the stairs case just as Pietro speeds in, somehow entering backwards. She have to ask him if he was using his speed and moonwalking.

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