"Yes!" My moms voice was just as excited, "me and my kids are very excited to be apart of this." She added.

Well then I must not be her kid, because I am not even the slightest excited.

"That's splendid!" I didn't even want to look at the stupid enjoyment that was obviously smacked on his face. I kept my glare at the ground, occasionally rolling my eyes.

Evans shoulder isn't comfortable at all.

"Do you take our passports?" Mom asked.

"Oh no, ma'am. I'm just your greeter. The lovely gentlemen up there," there was a pause, and I'm guessing he was showing my mom where the man was, "takes your passports!"

"Oh! Thank you very much."

"You're very welcome. Have a nice trip."

I hope I do trip, and then break my neck and die.

We began to make our way more up the boarding ramp and my stomach felt like i was being forced into a corset, again.

"Can you put me down?" I irritatedly ask, "your bony body is not comfortable."

"Yeah we'll you're no peach either." Evan shot back.

I know he did not just call me fat. I'm barely even 120.

"Evan put her down, please." My mom said quietly and softly.

"She'll run." He protested.

Thanks for the idea.

"Just do it." At my moms words I felt my body be threw back over his shoulder and down on my feet. Once I gained stability and the world stopped spinning, I brushed my hair out of my face with my fingers. I gave a quick glance to my family before turning around and making a run for it- only to be stopped by Bernie standing right behind me and and long line of people behind us.

"Does that put a dent in your escape plan?" I heard Evan cheekily say beside me. I hmph at him and turn my chin away from him, walking in front of him to stand by mom.

"This is their five year anniversary of doing this." My mom said as she looked up at the ginormous ship in front of us.

"That's fantastic." I faked interest. I heard Evan scoff behind me. I snuck my arm behind my back to flip him off, to which he responded to harshly grabbing my wrist. I yanked my hand out of his grip.

"Good morning." A very well dressed man with slick back hair said, "I'm Conner, the captains son. I'll be taking and checking your passports." He smiled at all of us.

"You are very cute." My mom said, "Eleena, isn't he cute?" She turned to me and asked, her face in a 'look at how cute' he is look.

"Please, stop." I gritted my teeth at her, embarrassed.

"She's just embarrassed." My mom waved her hand at me before she handed him our already prepared passports.

"Dear god." I muttered under my breathe as I looked the other way.


A few seconds later Conner spoke up, "okay mrs. Hart It all looks good. You can go ahead and go through the doors to get your room and floor number up at the desk. Bags and luggage get thrown in the luggage carrier, where we check them to make sure nothing illegal is getting smuggled through. You can find that to the sharp right or left and down the stairs when you first walk in."

"Thank you!" If my mom can't calm down on the enthusiasm, I'm going to barf.

As we walked inside the ship I made awkward eye contact with Conner, to which he responded with a wink.

That's a real panty soaker.

As we walk inside we're met with a gush of cold air, and a huge entrance hall with stairs leading everywhere. Everything was polished, and the floors were high dollar marble. There were patios on the highest floors, and a beautiful thick diamond chandelier hung down the high ceiling. There were even built in lights over the stairs, lighting up the stairway.

Inaudible chatter echoed through the ship walls. It was so loud in here and the hundreds of people looked like tiny blurs.

"Stay close, don't get lost." Mom grabbed tightly onto mine and Evans arm. I watched as Bernie and another butler or driver followed conners directions and made their way down the stairs, that looked like it led to the bottom of the ship, with our luggage.

"Hi!" My mom yelled at the people at the front desk. That's how loud it was in here. "Last name is hart!"

"Ashlyn Hart?" The front desk asked, "and your two kids Eleena Anais Hart and Evan Sutton Hart?!" Dang. They gotta get that personal?

"Yes! Yes that's us!"

"Great. Your rooms are on the fifth floor, the highest one. You can either take the stairs or the elevator. Here are your separate room keys and numbers." The nice Lady handed each of us our own key and number.

A room to myself? Well now this trip is starting to look up.

"Thank you very much!" My mom said one last time before dragging us away from the desk.

As we walked through the sea of people and to the stairs I studied everyone I could. Rich middle age women with jewels and diamond everything, a lot of them with pin straight hair and snobbish looks on their face. Their husbands were dressed in suits with slick back hair, their wrist covered in expensive watches and their fingers were clothed in rings.

But the worst, was the children.

There were quite a good few kids on the ship, and I already knew I would soon be punching them in the face. Snobby, sassy children are very high up on my "things I despise" list, along with lemon tasted things.

The teens around my age just looked like the teens I'm around 24/7, and if I can handle my acquaintances back home then I'm sure I can handle complete strangers on this boat.

I was soon proved right when me and my brother and mother walked up the stairs, passed a prissy blonde. She gave me a good look up and down and then rolled her eyes disgustedly at me.

To which I responded with the good old fashion middle finger.

I love breaking the rich society standards.

The rich vs the richestDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora