
Robin POV

I was out patrolling when I heard gunshots and yelling. I swooped down and the yelling became silent. "On it." I heard a female voice. It was her! The girl with the white suite that worked with the girl that consumed my mind. I threw a smoke bomb that was poisoned at her and caught her before she hit the ground.

I called my father and told him to meet me, as I tied her up. "She did all of this by herself." My father and I looked at all the dead bodies. They were all slaughtered in the worst possible way. Her choice of weapon was a katana, like mine.

She began to stir. She opened her eyes wide. "You won't get away with this. I suggest you let me go, or I will come back for you." She spat. "Your the one tied up, I would watch my words if I were you." I said cockily. She was proud, so that statement made her angry. "I have some questions for you, who do you work for? And why, why kill all these men?" My father asked.

"Batman and Robin." She looked at us up and down examining our features. "You have no authority over me, I don't have to answer any of your questions. If you must hand me over to the police because I'm not saying anything other then all the men in there deserved to die." "Who are you to determine someone's life?" My father bit back. "Who I am? White Wing. If you don't know me, it's a good thing. It means you aren't going to die. If you know of me, I will be coming for you." "That's the same thing, the other girl said to me." I muttered to my father.

"You and the other girl must work together. Tell me, how is she?" Wing rolled her eyes. "Don't worry, your gonna get the same treatment you gave her." Suddenly men surrounded us, wearing full head coverings like ninjas. They untied her. "Thanks boys." "Send her my regards. I will be coming for her." She flipped me off and ran off leaving us to deal with her team.

My father looked at me as I nodded my head. This was going to be a long night.

Secret POV

"Are you okay? I heard father sending backup." I said as soon as I saw Colleen. She was taking off her suite. "I'm fine. Fucking Batman and Robin caught me off guard." My heart skipped a beat at the mention of his name. "It's like they were waiting for me." She shook her head. "They knocked me out with sleeping gas but didn't do anything to harm me." She hooked up her camera footage. "They just asked me questions."

We looked at everything they did. My father walked into the room. "Was the mission successful?" He questioned. "Yes father." She gave him the diamond, that was wrapped in a cloth. "Thank you. Now are you alright? He hugged her. "I'm fine father. I was just caught off guard." She frowned as my father sat down and looked at the footage with me. "Snakes." He shook his head. "Don't be disappointed in yourself. You did amazing." She smiled.

He put his hand print on the screen and identified their voices. "Bruce Wayne and Damian Wayne." "What?" I gasped. "They are Batman and Robin." My father said. "No way." Colleen said. "Their voices match completely with this audio once I level out the deepness."

If we know who are they are, it's no telling they have the same access as us. They probably know who I am because I was the system. "What are you thinking about?" My father glanced at me. "They may know my identity especially if they have the same access as us. I was in the system. They could have did the exact same thing we did." "We have leverage over them, even if they know who you are we know who they are. They won't risk it." Colleen said.

"She's right. And if it comes down to it, no one will get to you or harm you. I'll make sure of that." My father growled. With that father walked out of the interrogation room. "I knew I needed you." Colleen whispered. "What?" "This has never happened. I'm so weak without you." "That's not true. Your the strongest person I know besides father."

"I'm stronger with you." "As I am with you. Don't beat yourself up. You completed the mission and got out, it's not your fault they were waiting on you. Next time, we'll wait on them and do the same thing. Payback is a bitch." She smirked. "Your right. It is. So get better." "I'm working on it." My leg was finally healing. I was eating and doing good.

"I'll be ready in no time." "You know, it would actually make sense if Batman and Robin were Bruce and Damian." Colleen said. "How?" "Damian is infatuated with you and Robin is infatuated with Knight." I rolled my eyes. "Damian wants to fuck, and Robin wants to solve the case. Don't turn this into some type of crazy ass love story." "I'm just saying." She held up her arms and laughed.

"I do have to repay him for doing this to me." "He's all yours." I should start planning that mission. "You should get some sleep, your anniversary is tomorrow Secret. I'm sure father has something planned for you." I blinked. It's been 11 years since I escaped that hell hole of a place. I didn't even realize it's been that long. "Yeah I will, I just wanna take a few more looks at Robin's technique." "Okay, don't over do it. Goodnight." "Goodnight."

"I will come for you." I whispered as I watched him move on the screen. "You will pay."

Robin's Secret (A Damian Wayne Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now