C~2: Profess A Meet

Start from the beginning

Walker's eyes widen as he points the gun at me. "Miracle? Miracle, wake up!!! GOD DAMN IT!" he screams. Before looking past me, heading back into the hall, I hear him say, "You really shouldn't be here."

Hearing the gun cock I do my best not to move as my hands find the broken wood; I move the ducktape on top to try and tear through it.

"Get inside!" Walker orders holding the man at gunpoint. "You're a professor, and you're very smart." the voice reasons as my wrists come free quietly.

Holding my breath, I recognize that voice?

"You're a lot smarter than this."

"Smarter?" Walker questions bringing the figure? No man to the center of the room and looping an around him "Your gun, please. Toss it over there."

The man complies before walking forward. He had a gun, police? Walker's back is to me as the man turns, "Men like you, and I don't need guns."

Flickering my eyes up, I see Spencer Reid; of course, he was the first to find this place. Walker chuckles. "Like you and I?"

"Yeah, men of intelligence." Spencer reasons lifting a hand to his head. Could it be the light? His head is tilting downward towards me, so I open my eyes. Eventually, his eyes meet mine in a moment of pause.

Next to me on the floor, the man begins shouting through the tap, causing Walker to turn back. My eyes snap shut as he calls, "Shut up!"

"You know, I think that there are some similarities. I mean...uh..." he trails, meeting my gaze once more. "We both love books." he thinks.

His brows keep moving. He's clearly bothered.

"Book?" Walker begins until Spencer's phone starts to ring. Walker holds the gun up as he takes the phone as tosses it aside as he turns to say, shut up to the man before me.

"You know what? I don't--I don't believe that you killed all these people just to sell a book."

"Oh really? Elian will die of an overdose after killing his santero for his fingers." Walker plans as my eyes open again to land on the gun Spencer threw aside not far from the tips of my feet.

"It will all make sense to the police."

"How are you going to explain me? Explain Her?"

"Elian will have killed you both too. Have we not established how ill he is? He's been on a Palo rampage. Everyone will want to learn about the religion that drove the boy crazy!" laughs Walker.

So the kid in the chair is Elian, then the man on the floor is Julio. Spencer shakes his head. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but I don't believe that this is about a book. And I don't think that you do, either."

Julio grunts as Walker freezes. "Excuse me?"

"I-I think it's more about the abuse, the abandonment, and the lack of attention from your father," Spencer states, rubbing his eyes.

"That's enough-"

"You know what the ridiculous thing is, is, is-" he takes a pause to really scrub his eyes and laugh. "You set up a paradigm where you actually have to get caught. Think about it. If you get away this this, your father will never know that you did any of it."

Spencer bows his head, closing his eyes; Walker must be peeved between the grunting and the situation. "What is wrong with you!" he shouts, focused on Spencer.

Quietly I peel the tape off my hands and pull my feet underneath me. "I'm sorry, it's just very bright in here for me."


"Please dim the lights."

"The light? Wha-What are you!-!"

Springing to my feet, I grab the gun and using the blunt side, I bash Walker in the side of the head. He falls to the ground as the once tense moment rings in silence. I just took out an unsub.

Swallowing my eye dart between Julio and Elian, moving over to the boy, I check his pulse, speaking to Spencer, "Free Julio...call an ambulance. Elian's overdosed with heroin."

"You saw?" Spencer questions as he releases Julio from his binds. Shaking my head, I rush over, getting the tape off Julio's mouth. "No, but the academy trained me to look for it...didn't they teach you as well?"

Suddenly the door burst open as the rest of the BAU storms in and takes Walker away. There's a grip on my hand as Julio sits up. "You."

"What?" I ask.

"You heard me calling."

"Sir, I mean I heard you form the trunk-"

"No, the spirits, is it just fate that an Air-force Captain happens to hear my cries," he states, almost as if wishing me well before turning to Spencer to speak to him.

"Ma'am? Ma'am? I'm gonna need you to come with us." says a voice. Turning around, I'm met with Emily helping me up. "Um, no, you don't understand."

"Hotch looks like Walker could have taken out an agent; he's got a standard gun." Rossi begins holding up the gun. Moving away from Emily, I take the gun and my wallet. "Those are mine."

Taking a breath, I suddenly regret taking Penelope up on her little mission, considering I was almost killed...I was nearly killed.

Running a hand through my hair, I shrug. "Great...Queen is going to eat this up."

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