Chapter 2

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After I get done babysitting I start walking home, I get about halfway to my house when I see Mika and her friends walking out of the Hop. I run into the nearest store and shut the door quickly behind me before they can see me. There is no way that I am going to let her embarrass me again today.

"Are you hiding from someone?" Someone say from the counter, I whirl around to see a girl staring at me with a smirk, and raised eyebrows. Great right out of one embarrassing situation and into another.

"Yea, actually," I say with a huff. After a very awkward moment of silence, she starts to giggle, then bursts out laughing so hard she falls down. Why! This has to be worse than what would have happened if Mika had seen me, I suddenly feel a raging blush of embarrassment coming on before I can stop it.

After she is done laughing she walks around to meet me by the door of what I now realize is a small record store. The girl has bright red hair the color of fire and a glow that is rare among people these days and I get a sudden feeling of calm and the girl puts out her hand for me to shake and says, "My name is Victoria."

"Ezra" I say shaking her hand, "I am kinda the queen of embarrassing myself as you can see." She laughs a little.

"I can tell," She chuckles lightly, "So, I am very interested in who you were hiding from."

"Oh, yea her," I point to Mika through the window of the dark store, "that is the reincarnation of the devil, but most people call her-"

"Mika," she cuts me off, she says it with such disgust, I wonder if she hates Mika more than me. "Or, my step sister."

"Did you say you step sister!" I say, choking on air, I am so surprised I can't think of anything to say other than that. I mean no wonder she looked at her like that, I only have two classes with her and she makes my life miserable. I can't imagine living with her, it must be a nightmare.

"Yep, that is my beloved step sister! Love how you said she was the reincarnation of the devil, definitely fits her better than monstrous Mika. That is my nickname for her in my head by the way," Victoria says, now it's my turn to laugh, and I think I laugh so hard I start to cry. I can even imagine waking up in the morning and trying to go get ready and then finding Mika, no makeup, crazy hair, and most importantly her terrible attitude, that might be the most hilarious thing I have thought about in days. "You seem cool, might be fun to have a friend that shares the same hate for Mi as me, we should hang out sometime."

"Yea, we should," I say smiling at how ironic it is that somehow I hid from Mika, then because of my hate for her I might actually have a friend. I quickly get a piece of paper off the counter that is covered in the papers that come out of old CD cases and write my number on it, "Here, this is my number." I say giving Victoria the paper.

"Thanks, I'll text you when I get off," she says with a big dimpled smile. I wave happily and walk out the door and head home.

After I get home, I take a shower, I go into the kitchen where there is a small table with three chairs around it and mom has dinner ready. It is not much just some potato soup, but that is enough for us, and it definitely smells good. Mom, Amy, and I sit down and we each pour ourselves some soup into the light blue chipped bowl and quietly eat our soup with the silver spoons Mom has had since she got married.

"This is really good Mom," I say when the silence gets too awkward.

"Thanks sweetie," Mom says with a warm smile "How was babysitting and how was cheer practice." Mom adds, looking between Amy and me. Amy is the best cheerleader on the team, even though she is only a freshman. Even when Dad was alive we never had much money so during the summer we never went anywhere or did anything we would just stay home, so I would draw or babysit, and Amy would teach herself how to tumble and fly. She loved it and would do it all day and by the time she was 10 she could do a back full, and a bunch of other things I don't know the name of.

"It was good," Amy says in her high pitched bubbly voice.

"Good, I actually sort of made a friend," I say, which makes mom and Amy both look at me like they have just seen a ghost. "What, is it that surprising?" I say as I cover my heart like someone just hit me, giggling a little.

"Yea it is!" Amy replies and we both start to laugh, while Mom shakes her head.

After dinner, I go to the room I share with Amy and sit on the bed with my drawing notebook that I got when my dad died and I start to draw. I think drawing is what kept me sane when he died, I would just stay in my room and draw all day long. It calms me down and lets me just be me without having to worry about anything. I draw a bonfire, and not because it's September, and Fall, but because it looks like Victoria's hair. That might be kinda weird but I don't really care, I mean, I do, but it is not like anyone is actually going to see my drawings, and if they did they would not care enough to ask why I drew it. I wish they did, but realistically there is no way they would, I am just a poor girl from a small town.

All the sudden I hear a small ding, I check my phone so see that an unknown number has texted me, since I have no friends and never get texts from anyone I know right away who is texting me. I set my notebook down and pick up my outdated phone and unlock it to see that the number was surely enough Victoria "This is Victoria, is this Ezra?" I quickly text back "Yea this is! :)" Victoria and I text for at least three hours talking about ourselves and how much we hate Mika. I learn that Victoria likes to be called Vic, she loves to play the Country music on the guitar, her favorite color is white, and a bunch of other stuff. Even though today started out really, really bad has actually been one of the best days I have had in a long time.

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