You tell him you are pregnant as a teenager

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A/N: You all know how much I love writing imagines where Harry has custody of you, so that's how this one will be. I hope that you guys enjoy them too, please let me know if you aren't enjoying them. I want you guys to enjoy my writing. DM me and let me know what you think! I love you guys <3 

Age: 16 

 You looked down at the two blue lines in horror. It was positive. "What on earth am I going to tell Harry?" You thought as tears streamed down your cheeks. You had been living with Harry for the past three years, since your mum had died. You and Harry had gone through thick and thin, but you weren't sure how he'd react to this. He was known to love kids and babies in general, and was very supportive of his fans' pregnancies at his shows. You didn't want to disappoint him after everything he'd done for you. You sat in the bathroom and cried for about an hour, until you heard the front door open and close. "Y/N, I'm home from the studio!" A very cheery Harry shouted as he arrived home. "Shit, Shit, Shit" You thought to yourself, quickly stuffing the test into the drawer where you keep your tampons and pads. You figured that would be a safe place to hide it. "Y/N? Where are you?" Harry shouted from downstairs. "I'm coming, sorry!" You yelled back before heading downstairs to see Harry. 

 "Hey, Honey!" Harry said, smiling at you as you came down the stairs. "Hey, H." You replied, hugging him as he kissed the top of your head. "I picked up Chinese food on the way home from the studio, I thought we could celebrate since I officially finished the last song for the album!" Harry said, beaming from ear to ear. "Oh Harry, that's amazing! I'm so proud of you." You said, hugging him again. You wished that you could enjoy this moment with Harry, but you couldn't stop thinking about the news that you were going to eventually have to tell him. "Thank you, Sweetie." Harry replied, hugging you back. You sat with Harry and talked to him a bit about the song and the finished album before heading back upstairs to your room. 

   You know those moments where you just need to break down? You were having one of those. You were laying down underneath your covers, bawling into your pillow. "Hey Y/N- oh my goodness." Harry said as he suddenly entered your room to see your balled up self underneath your covers. He slowly walked over to the bed and sat down, gently rubbing up and down your back. "Sweetheart, what's wrong? Did I upset you earlier? Are you missing mum? Are you on your period?" Harry asked, trying to come up with an explanation for your tears. "No." You sniffled back. "Then what's wrong? Please tell me, love. I want to help make it better." Harry said softly. "I'll show you, but you have to close your eyes and hold out your hands, okay?" You said, sitting up and wiping your wet cheeks. Harry thought for a moment before agreeing to do as you asked. 

  You got up and went into the bathroom and pulling out the positive pregnancy test. You took a shaky breath before walking back into your bedroom and putting it in Harry's outstretched hands. "You can open your eyes now." You said nervously. You watched in horror as Harry opened his eyes, his expression immediately becoming harsh. "You're pregnant?" He yelled. You couldn't even bare to look at him as you nodded, staring down at your pillow. "How dare you? How could you be so much of a whore to get knocked up at 16!?" Harry shouted. Tears filled your eyes. You expected him to be disappointed, but you never thought that he would yell like this. "God, I can't believe you would go and do this after everything I've done for you!" He shouts as he storms out of your bedroom, leaving the pregnancy test sitting on your bed. 

  Hours went by and Harry hadn't called you downstairs or tried to talk or anything. You had never seen him this angry, and especially not at you. This was not the loving and supportive big brother that you were used to and it was really taking a toll on you. "He's not to blame, I'm the one who fucked everything up." You thought to yourself. You knew that you were the one to blame, you couldn't act like this whole thing was his fault. It was past dinner time by now, and Harry hadn't called you down for dinner. Harry never ate without you, family dinners were very important to him. The thought of him being so angry that he decided to eat without you made you want to break down in tears all over again. You decided to head downstairs and try to talk to Harry, but were only met by a note that said, "Went out. Be back later. H." 

  It was past midnight and there was nothing. Harry still wasn't home yet and he didn't call or text you to let you know what was going on. Normally, you at least got a, "Sorry, I got caught up with some friends. Be back within an hour. Love you. H." text from him. This time, he was completely silent, leaving you to worry. You knew he was mad and probably just cooling off, but there was a little voice inside your mind trying to convince you that worse had happened. You were so tired, but couldn't fall asleep without Harry's presence. You decided to go downstairs and wait for Harry on the couch until he got home. You turned on "Gilmore Girls" and tried to let Lorelai and Rory's life in Stars Hollow comfort you until Harry got home. 

 You woke up at 8 in the morning on the couch, where you had accidentally fallen asleep the night before. The TV had been turned off and there was a blanket nicely tucked over you, signaling that Harry had gotten home safely. Just to be sure that he was okay, you went and peeked in his room. As soon as you creaked open the door, it was evident that Harry wasn't asleep. He was curled up under his covers, bawling his eyes out, just as you had been doing the day before. "Bub?" You whispered, slowly walking over to his bed. Harry sat up and his teary bloodshot eyes met yours as you slowly sat down next to him. "I'm so sorry." You whispered, staring at your lap. Harry wiped his eyes and sent you a soft smile, "Oh love, I'm the one who should be sorry. I shouldn't have took off like that or called you any of the things that I called you. I'm so sorry, baby." He whispered, pulling you into his lap. "It's not your fault, H. I was an idiot for hooking up with a guy I had barely dated or thinking that he cared enough to be here for the baby and I. I am a whore, you were right." You whispered. "Y/N Styles, you are not a whore. You are an intelligent young lady who made a mistake." Harry said, cupping your cheeks with his palms. "You can make the decision about what you want to do with the baby and the pregnancy. okay?" He said, kissing your forehead, "I'll be here no matter what." It was then, that you knew that everything was going to be okay. 

A/N: I hope you guys liked this :) LOVE YOU GUYS 

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