Gemma's wedding

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A/N: This is a request from @1Darestilltheone !! Also, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 3K READS WOOT WOOT!! You guys are amazing, I love each and every one of you. I hope you enjoy this imagine :) 

  Age: 6 

 "Gem, you look beautiful!" Your mum gasped as Gemma came out in her wedding dress. It was the day Gemma was getting married and the two of you were helping her get ready before the ceremony. "I'm so nervous." Gemma replied, blushing as your mum oohed and awed over her. "You look so pretty, Gemmy." You exclaimed up to your big sister. "Aww, thank you, peanut! One day you'll get to get married in a pretty dress just like me!" She said, ruffling your hair. "I hope I find someone as cute as Justin Bieber!" You giggled and your sister and mum laughed, knowing you had major Bieber fever. "Honey, I'm going to do Gemma's hair and makeup now, so why don't you go hang out with Harry until the ceremony?" Your mum suggested, patting you on the back gently. "Okay mummy!" You said excitedly as you took off to find your big brother. 

  "Hiya Sweetcheeks, what are you doing in here?" Your big brother said as you entered his dressing room. "Mummy told me to come play with you until the wedding." You explained as Harry tied his bowtie in the mirror. "Alright then love, what do you want to play?" Harry laughed, scooping you up and carrying you on his hip. "I want to play Barbies!" You giggled. Harry's smile slowly turned into a frown, "Oh honey, we don't have any of your Barbies here with us! How about we play house instead?" He suggested, knowing how much you loved making Harry pretend to be the baby. You smiled and giggled, "Okay, but you have to be the baby and I get to be your mummy!" Harry laughed, "Whatever you want, Honey." The two of you played house until your mum came in. "Harry, Y/N! It's time to go wait for the ceremony to start." Your mum said, beckoning for you to follow her. 

  This was the first wedding you had ever attended and there was one thing for sure: you thought weddings were terribly boring. Gemma had walked down the aisle and everyone was awed by her beauty but once that part was over, the rest was boring for a six year old like yourself. "Harry, is it almost over?" You whispered into your big brother's ear. "Not for a bit, love" Harry whispered back. You sulked at this news, laying your head on Harry's arm. Harry chuckled at this, gently pulling you into his lap. The two of you sat like that for the rest of the ceremony, making it easier for you to sit still and enjoy the wedding. 

 "Okay, Y/N! Now we get to have fun!" Harry exclaimed after the ceremony was over. Having never attended a wedding before, you didn't know what he meant. "What fun part?" You asked, looking up at Harry. "It's time to dance and eat cake, silly!" He laughed. You smiled at this news, you loved dancing and you loved cake. "Come on, Honey, come dance with me!" Harry exclaimed, gently pulling you onto the dance floor with him. You giggled as Harry got down on his knees so he was at your level and began to sway back and forth with you. "This is so much fun, bubby!" You said. "I'm glad your first wedding is a fun one, Darling." Harry responded, kissing the top of your head as you both continued to sway back and forth. 

 For the rest of the night, you danced and ate cake with Harry and the rest of your family. You and Harry were on the dance floor for what felt like the millionth time that night when your eyelids started to feel heavy as you rested your chin on Harry's shoulder. Harry felt your yawns and your drooping head and knew it was time to get you to bed. "Come on, it's time to go home sweetie" Harry murmured, scooping you up. "No, I'm not sleepy! I'm a big girl." You insisted, fighting to keep your eyes open. "Big girls need their rest, baby." Harry replied, gently carrying you out to the car. You and Harry were about half way home when he noticed that you were fast asleep with your thumb in your mouth in the backseat. "I love you, Y/N. I never want you to grow up." Harry  murmured as he watched you sleep in the review mirror. Overall, your first wedding was a success. 

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this! I love you all very much <3333

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