(1) Embracing yourself

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It felt very cold and empty as you turned around in bed, but just what in the world was it? You couldn't seem to get a grasp of it at all, I mean, you had just woken up and couldn't remember anything from the previous night or whatsoever. It was as if your memories had been erased.

You couldn't prevent yourself from staring at the white ceiling, you stared at it as if it was the world's most beautiful piece of art that had ever existed in this small world of ours. You didn't know why but you had recently started forgetting stuff much more easier and could barely grasp reality sometimes.

Some time passed as you stared at that white ceiling of yours, never ever taking your eyes off it. You felt as if time was passing by really slowly and it sort of was. If someone had walked in on you at that moment, they would probably have thought that you were high just by looking at your facial expressions.

There wasn't anything wrong with your facial expressions, it just looked like you weren't really there and was totally out of it. You being in that state was completely understandable, you had been through a lot lately and just needed a break from everything and everyone, even your closest friends. It's not like you decided to randomly ghost everyone, you just wanted some space from life, basically.

After staring at that white ceiling of yours for ages, you finally felt yourself getting bored. What was the point in analysing a ceiling a hundredth time if nothing new nor exciting would appear? Not even you knew the answer to that small question of yours, you just really didn't feel like doing anything at that moment.

But then again, a sudden notification from your phone made you startled a bit and sort of "brought you back to life". You didn't expect to get a notification at this time or any notifications at all- 'wait', you thought, 'what time is it even now?'.

You proceeded to take a look at your phone and noticed how late it was. It was 2 in the morning and God knows for how long you had been starring at that ceiling of yours. As you had checked the time, which wasn't your intention at first, you noticed that there was a notification waiting to be opened up by you.

For the first time in a short while, you felt sort of happy. You felt as if someone had finally remembered you and had decided to message you. The only problem was, why would someone message you at this hour? Turns out that it was just an unimportant notification from a game that you had downloaded ages ago on your phone but never really played.

As you were about to close your phone and put it on the nightstand, you actually got a notification informing you that you had gotten a message. Which sort of surprised you since it was 2 in the morning.

You decided to click on the notification and read the message that you had gotten from an unknown number. The unknown number's message said:

(Unknown number):
Hello! My name is Yelena, I'm that lady that came up to you and asked for your number at the mall. I'm not sure if you were listening to all of my talk but I will repeat myself again. I work with this organisation called "New Generation of Paradis", where our mission is to comfort others and bring in money for charity by doing small tasks. Are you interested? I promise you that it will be fun!


Is what the message said, and it was at that moment that you seemed to get your lost memories back. Yelena was that lady who-

I mean, why not? (Yelena x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now